Special Chapter

41 5 13

*1 year after last chapter*




The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, as the fans chanted in exhilaration. Yoongi, also known by his stage name, Agust D was currently on his second world tour. Till now he had performed in eight concerts. This was his ninth.

He felt the fatigue of performing on stage weigh him down. Yet he wanted to go out on stage in his best form. He did not want to disappoint his fans and wanted give them his hundred percent. But today, was going to be a challenge. His stage fear had died long back, yet he felt a pressure he had never experienced before.

This was going to be the most important concert of his life.

He sighed as his team made preparations. The make-up artists were doing the final touch ups as one of staff member adjusted his mic.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and counted till ten. A small ritual he practiced before going on stage. As he opened his eyes, he felt a presence exceptionally close to him. No one from his team had the guts to get that close to him. It could only be one person. Park Jimin.

A certain calmness spread through his body as he took in the handsome features of his long-time boyfriend. The way he smiled, full of care and compassion. The way his soft blonde locks fell on his eyes and how he habitually pushed them back. Most importantly, the way he had been there for Yoongi no matter who he was or where he was. Min Yoongi considered himself to be the luckiest man on earth.

Jimin had agreed to accompany Yoongi for a few of his concerts, if not all. Today was one of those lucky concerts where Jimin would join him on stage for a few songs.

But as Yoongi gazed into Jimin's eyes, he tried to comprehend what the other was thinking. Within a few seconds, he felt the pressure bubbling in his stomach. Today was not just any concert. Today he was more nervous than his first concert.

He could hear the fans cheering. It was time to go on stage.

After a few last checks, he took the stairs to the stage, emerging with a newfound vigor.

The crowd immediately burst into a wild cheer. Some fans screaming "MARRY ME!", some yelling "I LOVE YOU", but all Yoongi could hear was a buzz.

"HELLO SEOUL! HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING TONIGHT?!" Yoongi hyped up the audience, feeling his energy synergizing with the crowd's. He knew how important his fans were. They too had supported him throughout, with just a few exceptions. He wanted them to be a part of this special day in his life.

The audience had been pre-informed about Yoongi's plan as they made their way into the stadium.

All Yoongi had to do now, was to wait. Wait for the first few songs to get over. Then Jimin would join him for their duet.

As he started performing, the artist in him took over. Concentrating on one song at a time. But what if something goes wrong?

No. He had to stay optimistic.

After four songs, it was finally Jimin's turn to come on stage. As soon as the boy appeared, the crowd fell silent.

'Well, that's odd' Jimin thought, confused at the reaction he received.

But being the confident and unshakable artist he was, he coolly joined Yoongi and commenced singing. The two were poles apart, Yoongi rapped with a husky voice and Jimin sang with a sweet, melodious one. Together, they were perfect.

As the song came to an end, a weak cheer was heard from the audience. Jimin was starting to feel slightly uneasy. Did the crowd really not like him?

"SEOUL! ARE YOU HAVING FUN?!" He probed, hoping for an enthusiastic reply. But to his dismay, he again received a negligible "yay...".

It was true that when the two were rising to fame, many of Yoongi's 'fans' were not so fond of Jimin. They couldn't digest the fact, that their beloved oppa/hyung was already taken. But those so called 'fans' moved on, leaving behind the real ones who loved him no matter what. They wanted Yoongi to be happy and he was the happiest when he was with his Jimin.

Jimin looked over to Yoongi, who was drinking water near the foot of the stage. He tried his best to not show how upset he was as he waited for Yoongi to come back.

After taking a few swigs, Yoongi walked back to where Jimin stood. But halfway, all the lights in the stadium turned off. They were instantly engulfed in pitch darkness. He was pretty close to Jimin and heard his breath hitch. "Yoongi hyung" he whispered, reaching his hand out.

"I'm right here Jimin" Yoongi assured him.

Jimin was starting to panic, he hated being in dark spaces. He felt suffocated.

All of a sudden, the crowd fell silent. Jimin felt Yoongi hold his hand.

Gradually, the light sticks held by the fans started to light up. Just a few here and there. But eventually, they started to form a pattern.

Jimin squinted his eyes and moved closer trying to figure out what was happening.

Suddenly it became clear.

He gulped as he realized what the words the light sticks had formed.


He couldn't believe his eyes. Abruptly, a harsh spotlight focused on him.

He spun around only to find Yoongi on one knee, holding a ring with a proud grin on his face. Jimin's vision blurred as he burst into tears, vehemently nodding, enveloping Yoongi into a bone-crushing hug, even before the other could stand up.

The crowd roared with triumph. Rejoicing the moment with the couple on stage. Slowly, they started to chant "kiss, kiss, KISS, KISS!"

Jimin was full on crying, overwhelmed with the events of the night. But as he heard the fans chant, he blushed a deep cherry-red. Yoongi smiled at him affectionately. This wouldn't be the first time they kissed on stage. But it was going to be their first kiss as an engaged couple, and they were more than happy to share this moment with their adoring fans.

A thunderous applause reverberated around the stadium as the lovers kissed passionately. Promising to be there for each other for the rest of their lives, before continuing the concert with a brand-new vivacity.

As they embarked on a new journey, this concert was going to be forever etched in their memories, as it was one of the most beautiful moments in their lives.

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