Chapter 50

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Hello everyone, 

I just want to say how thankful I am for the support I have received from each one of you so far. 

This book is soon coming to an end and I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

The following chapter is my favourite chapter in this book. It has a lot of references to previous chapters and I hope you all will like it. :)

"Mr Kim?" a surgeon asked entering the waiting room. It had been nearly five hours since Jin had gone into surgery.

None of the boys had slept even for a second. Jisoo had multiple breakdowns. Jimin was sobbing until Yoongi told him to stay calm for Jisoo's sake. He instantly understood his point and started looking after her, getting her water or juice from time to time.

Taehyung was crying every now and then, his head resting on Jungkook's shoulder who remained expressionless. Taehyung knew how close the other was to Jin, what the oldest meant to the youngest. Jungkook was holding in all his emotions and fears, just so he could support the others.

Seeing the doctor, Namjoon promptly ran to him.

"Yes?" he asked, his voice shaky.

"Hello, I'm Dr Wang" he nodded, "one of the machines in Mr Seokjin's shop exploded because of a faulty circuit" the doctor paused, "Jin was lucky he was wearing a heavily padded winter jacket and also was turned away from the machine when it blasted", Namjoon nodded, "If not for the jacket, his spinal cord would have been damaged, but he was thrown a few feet ahead from the impact, resulting in him breaking four ribs, his right arm and some minor burns. Also, as help could not reach him immediately, he inhaled a lot of smoke" Dr Wang's face gave nothing away. The boys were too worried and found it hard to stay focused.

"Right now, both the surgeries have been successful but his body is still in shock. Thankfully, his vitals are gradually stabilizing" he finally smiled. They had been unknowingly holding their breaths and all sighed in relief.

"I must say, your friend is one hell of a fighter, Mr Kim" Dr Wang smiled, "He had a lot of internal bleeding so we're going to keep him under observation for sometime, but you don't have to worry about anything, he is out of danger." He patted Namjoon on the back as he walked out of the waiting room. Jisoo and Jimin were crying again, but this time, it was because they felt relieved. Hoseok and Yoongi hugged Namjoon tight, all three sobbing together. Their Jin hyung was going to make it and would soon be with them.

Finally, a tear fell from Jungkook's eye. The stress of everything that had been happening, hit him at once. He was more than relieved, but so many emotions hit him together, that he felt suffocated. He wanted to go for a run and take his stress out. He jogged towards the door but stopped in his tracks as he realized that it was raining outside. His night could not get any worse.

He grabbed his hair out of frustration and muffled a scream with his other hand. He had lost control of his emotions. Anger, sadness, pain, fear, everything was going through his mind at once

All of a sudden, he felt a hand on his hand. It was Taehyung.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook's hand away from his hair and dragged the boy outside, into the rain.

At first Jungkook couldn't process what the other was doing. He tried to resist but he had no strength left.

Taehyung let go of his hand and ran ahead of him in the rain.

Taehyung spread his hands out and looked up to the sky, raindrops falling on his face and smiled.

Jungkook stood there in a trance-like state, the rainwater soaking through his clothes.

He hated the rains. Or at least thought he did, until this moment.

At this moment, all he saw was Taehyung, in front of him, smiling like a dork, looking up at the sky.

Taehyung started humming a song and slowly swayed around. Stepping on puddles and splashing water. He radiated pure innocence and happiness.

Jungkook stood rooted to one spot. Unable to take his eyes off the other.

The older boy cupped his hands together, collecting some water and then splashed it on Jungkook's face. Laughing at his own childish act but stopped as he saw no change in Jungkook's expression.

It seemed like Jungkook was mad at him.

"Jungkook... I'm sorry, I know you hate stepping out in the rain, but I really thought this would help! I'm so sor—" the boy was abruptly cut off as Jungkook pulled him closer and crashed their lips together.

It was a much awaited kiss. The two had felt sparks fly between them for months, but after all that they had been through tonight, they finally accepted their feelings for each other.

What started out as a rough kiss slowly turned into a passionate one.

Jungkook had never been happier. The raindrops were ice cold but kissing Taehyung spread a warmth through his body. Their hands were entangled in each others hair and they didn't care about anything else around them.

All that mattered to them, was sharing this precious moment with each other.

After what seemed like forever, the two finally broke the kiss, gulping in some much needed air.

Both were grinning wide, their happy tears mixed with rainwater covered their cheeks.

"Taehyung, do you remember the game of twenty questions that we played to get to know more about each other?" Taehyung nodded, a bit surprised thinking how Jungkook still remembered that day, "well, we never reached the twentieth question if you can recall" Jungkook smirked. His hair was plastered on his forehead. Taehyung was puzzled, but he nodded anyways.

"It was my turn to ask and I'm going to ask you the twentieth question. Are you ready?" Jungkook was grinning and Taehyung was still clueless, yet he nodded.

"Kim Taehyung, will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked getting down on one knee.

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