Chapter 45

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The group celebrating Jisoo's birthday had their attention fixated on the small stage. All the girls clapped excitedly as they welcomed their favorite artist, the boys on the other hand, seemed to have frozen on their seats.

Jimin was the first to react, as he abruptly stood up and moved closer to the stage. Was he really seeing who he thought he was seeing?

The performer named Agust D seemed to mimic the exact reaction as the boys when he noticed them in the crowd. But he recomposed himself in less than a second. He deliberately avoided looking in their direction, as he started rapping the verses of his first song.

Jimin stood frozen at the foot of the stage. Mouth agape, eyes fixated on the artist. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Jimin, you are blocking everyone's view" Taehyung whispered, drawing Jimin back to reality.

The two then went back and took their seats. None of them were over the shock of seeing this side of Yoongi. He seemed to be a completely different person on stage. The attitude that he radiated while performing drew everyone's attention to him.

But why would he lie to them about this? Why leave them in the dark?

They would have to wait to get their questions answered.

Jimin seemed to have taken this lie the hardest. For some reason, he always felt that Yoongi was real and honest with him. It made him feel special. But at this moment he realized that Yoongi could lie to him too. He meant nothing special.

A part of his mind was still trying to make sense of things but yet it hurt. At least Yoongi could have told him, if not the others.

The first song had come to an end and Yoongi was addressing the audience, asking them if they were having a good time and if they enjoyed their meal. In reply, he got an ecstatic cheer from the audience and he started rapping the next song.

"I think we should leave" Jimin spoke, his voice hoarse. Only Taehyung could guess why Jimin sounded upset. The rest didn't take much notice of it because of the loud music.

"Jisoo nuna I hope you had a good time" Jungkook said as they all stood up to leave. He handed her the small gift he and Taehyung had bought for her. She immediately put it on her wrist and showed it to the other girls.

"Thanks Jungkook and Taehyung! I love it... my favorite colors, black and pink!" she smiled brightly and gave both the boys a hug.

On the surface, things seemed absolutely normal. But inside their heads, they had the same question,


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