Chapter 18

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*back to present*

Taehyung was deep in thought, thinking about 'the incident', gazing out of the window, when Hoseok entered the room.

"Tae, why aren't you ready? Are you not coming with us?"

All of them had agreed to meet up for dinner at a nearby ramen restaurant. Taehyung had asked Yoongi to join too.

"I will get ready and be out in a minute" he smiled standing up and surprising Hoseok with a swift hug.

"What was that for?" the older laughed.

"Nothing, I just love you all for being there in my life." The younger had never felt more grateful to have such friends.


After an hour, all the boys reached the restaurant. Taehyung sat next to Namjoon, Jimin sat in between Yoongi and Hoseok, slightly closer to the latter, Jungkook sat next to Taehyung and Jin sat at the head of the table.

Everyone was delighted to meet Yoongi. At first they were a bit confused by his 'I-don't-care-about-anything' expression but they soon got comfortable around him. He seemed like he had a cold heart but, soon realized they were absolutely wrong.

After enjoying the meal, they all stood up to leave.

Taehyung had been comparatively low throughout the meal and everyone noticed that.

He walked up to Yoongi as they were leaving and pulled him away from the gang.

"Hyung, can I walk with you?"

The older nodded.

"How have you been Tae?" he asked. "I have never been better" the younger gave a boxy grin.

He genuinely looked happy. This made the older happy.

"Hyung, you have changed... what's with all the pastel outfits and working in an ice cream shop?" Taehyung couldn't control his curiosity.

"I decided to change Tae" he sighed, "I am now going to concentrate on making music. I'll do some part time jobs till I can find some success in the industry. The ice cream shop is actually a nice place to work at." Taehyung was happy Yoongi had decided to change. He wanted the older to be safe and happy.

"Are you happy with this Namjoon guy?" Yoongi questioned.

"Did you know he wrote that book your ex-girlfriend had gifted you?" the younger laughed, dodging Yoongi's question.

Yoongi's eyes widened in shock.

"He's that boring author who put me to sleep every night?! I have to thank him then!" Yoongi responded with a shocked expression, receiving a hard nudge from Taehyung.

"Ay! Hyung, he's not boring!"

"Haha! I'm joking Tae!" Yoongi gave him a gummy smile.

Namjoon caught up with them and hugged Taehyung from the back making him giggle.

Yoongi beamed looking at the two hugging each other and giggling. He couldn't see the strain the couple felt. All he saw, was a happy couple. He was happy for them.

Suddenly, something else caught his attention and his smile disappeared.

Jimin was engaged in a deep kiss with Hoseok. And for some unknown reason, this sight pinched Yoongi a little more than he thought it would.


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