Friends to Lovers Pt. 1

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Eric POV

It's been four years since I chose to chance my life. I left Erudite and joined Dauntless, the best decision I ever made for sure. The only downside? I had to leave her. No, not my girlfriend. But my best friend, the only person that ever put up with. The only one that was always able to put a smile on my face. Still, I chose to leave and swore to never look back.
Every time I see her, I start to regret it. The joy in her eyes I was used to, slowly left. Her rosy, full cheeks became hallow and her smile completely vanished.
I knew the problems she had, I was the only one who knew and I still had enough selfishness within me to leave her. Enough selfishness to never talk to her again or come to the pit when she visited me on visiting day. So I guess that's the reason I was so nervous while waiting on the rooftop for the new Initiates. Nervous she could be one of them.
But, what are the chances? She can choose from five factions, why should she choose Dauntless?


I really chose Dauntless, huh? With two drops of blood I left Erudite and joined Dauntless, the worst decision I ever made for sure. I mean, okay, I'm not all too bad at running and I have good reflexes. But he is probably going to be there. He, the one that left me alone when I needed him the most. The one that knew of all my troubles and still chose to leave. Well, it's too late to regret it, I was already on my way to my new least I hope it is going to become one.
I leaned against a wall of the train that brought us to the Dauntless compound. All around me were other teens, a lot of them from Dauntless, seven from Candor, five, inclusive me, from Erudite, two from Amity and one from Abnegation. Most of them were boys, only six of us were girls.
"Get ready to jump!" one of the Dauntless born yelled and everyone from the other factions looked utterly confused.
We all stood up and walked to the doors. I stretched my head out and saw people jumping out of the train from the other carts. They landed on a roof, some with more elegance, some with less.
"They can't expect us to jump! We will fall!" the girl from Abnegation tried to reason with the boy from Amity. "The first step for us to prove we are worthy." I murmured to myself and walked back to the wall opposite of the door. As soon as I saw the roof, I started to run and leaped across the space between the tracks and the edge of the rooftop.
I fell to my knees while landing and I could feel the burning pain. Well done! Scraping your knees and you're not even in the compound! Well, that's just my luck.
"Initiates! Come here!" A tall guy yelled and the others walked over to him. Me? I seriously considered to jump down from the roof. After all, I knew the voice...too well. Of course I had to see him before anyone else. There, again, my luck!
I joined the others while trying to keep my head low. Still, I could see him, and he changed. A lot.
His blonde hair was now in a short military cut, he gained a lot of muscles and had one or two (or thirty for that matter) tattoos. Like every other Dauntless, he wore all black. It suited him. The piercing above his eyebrow seemed to match him so well, I got the feeling it's always been there. Dauntless, through and through.

"Alright Initiates! This is the only way to Dauntless. Don't even bother asking! If you want to know, you'll have to jump." Eric jumped down from the ledge and walked up and down in front of the group of sixteen year old teenagers. "Who's going to jump first?" As soon as this question left his mouth, the group parted. It was as if Mosses parted the red sea and I was the only one who didn't get the memo. So I just stood there and Eric's eyes instantly found mine. If you looked closely you could see the exact moment realisation hit him. His eyes widened, if only for a fraction of a second. I only noticed it because I was looking for it.
He swallowed and cleared his throat. "What about you, Initiate?" Eric nodded towards the ledge and silently asked me to come forward.
He was never one to not listen, so I just did as I was asked and stepped forward.
"Need help, princess?" Eric stretched out his hand, as if he would like to help me, but I ignored it and climbed up onto the ledge. "Whenever you're ready, Darling!" I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath and stepped forward.

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