Friends to Lovers Pt. 6

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Eric POV

I was back in Erudite, sitting in this big room, completely alone. I waited for a few minutes. A blonde lady entered the room. "Eric Coulter. 16. Choosing Ceremony tomorrow. The test said that the best faction for you would be Erudite, the second best would be Dauntless. You're smart and strong. And Divergent." Her voice was like ice, piercing my ears with every word she uttered. "What are you going to choose tomorrow?" She sat down opposite of me, keeping her eyes on the tablet in front of her.
"I don't know yet." I tried to catch her eye, so I could read her, but she avoided eye contact.
"I'll tell you. You'll choose Dauntless. You'll work very hard and become on of the leaders. Win their trust and convince them to cooperate with Erudite. If you don't choose Dauntless, or you fail at any task I give you, I'll kill you for being a Divergent." Now she looked me in the eyes. And she was serious. Dead serious.
"But, wh..." "What about (Y/N)? You'll leave her. After you change faction you won't talk to her, or even look at her. Trust me, I'll know if you do. If she follows you to Dauntless, you're free to do whatever you want with her." I stared at my hands, intertwined and squeezing each other in my lap. I couldn't leave (Y/N)! But if I don't, she'll kill me and that way I'd leave her too.
"Oh, I changed my mind." I looked at her, hope written all over my face. "If you fail me, I'll first kill (Y/N), letting you watch, and then I'll kill you. Have a nice day."
She left the room and I knew what I had to do, even with (Y/N) would hate me for it.

The setting changed. I was in a room, bright and clean. My hands were bound behind my back and I was on my knees. I failed that woman, Jeanine, and now I was paying for it.
They brought in (Y/N), her hands were bound too and she had a cloth in her mouth to keep her from screaming. As soon as she saw me, she relaxed a bit.
"What did I tell you Eric? If you fail me, I'll kill her." (Y/N)s eyes instantly widened and she tried to struggle. "Stop it!" I began to struggle too, trying to get the ropes of.
"Say goodbye Eric." With one bang (Y/N) laid on the floor, her lifeless eyes staring at me. Then there was a second bang and my vision went black.

I woke up, the room was black, not white. And I was alive. That's good. That's really good.
I was back at Dauntless, in my apartment. I didn't fail Jeanine and she didn't kill (Y/N).
Wait! What about (Y/N)?! I looked around frantically, needing to confirm that he was alive.
"Ngh..." Someone moved beside me. "Eric?" It was (Y/N). My sweet, innocent (Y/N). She sat up, looking at me. Her hair was all over the place and sleep was still present in her eyes.
"Go back to sleep, didn't want to wake you up." I laid back down, using my left arm as a pillow.
"Mhm." She laid down too, but she placed her head on top of my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. "You still know that play from school?" (Y/N) buried her face in my chest but kept on talking. "The one about the girl? And the sea?" I wrapped my right arm around her waist, pressing her body against mine.
"Yeah. Moana. Do you remember that one song?" "There were so many songs, which one?"

I have crossed the horizon to find you
I know your name
They've stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
You know who you are

"Oh this one. Yeah. That scene was awesome." I smiled a little at the memory. "There is this other song that matched this one, but our teacher didn't want to put them together." (Y/N) nodded and began singing again.

I am the girl who loves my island
And the girl who loves the sea
It calls me
I am the daughter of village chief
We are descendants from voyagers
Who found their way across the world
They call me
I delivered us to where we are
I've journeyed farther
I am everything I learned and more
Still it calls me
And the call isn't out there at all
It's inside me
It's like the tide
Always falling and raising
I will carry you here in my heart
You'll remind me
That come what may
I know the way
I am Moana

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