Friends to Lovers Pt. 17

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All was well for the next few days. Xavier and Lucy accepted my relationship with Eric and even supported me. Eric trained me in the fear simulation and helped me overcome my fears, without getting a panic attack after that. And even if I did, he was always there to calm me down. Especially the first time I had to go in alone.
Max and Four were there too, just in case.
Going through the first few, was as easy as always. But as soon as I woke up in Erudite, it was hard to calm my beating heart.
Somehow, I managed to get through all the fears, until the last one. Overcoming my father has always been hard, even with Eric at my side.
I took the first few hits, before I lashed out and knocked my father unconscious.
Than, I woke up.
Eric was there to welcome me back and Four and Max had approving looks on their face.
"Perfect Y/N. I have never seen such improvement. Well done." Max left the room and after I exchanged a high five with Four, he left too.
Eric pulled me against him, stroking my back.
"Are you okay?" "Yeah."
We stayed in each other's arms, until my stomach rumbled and we had to go and grab dinner.
Walking through the abandoned hallways, we weren't afraid to hold hands and chat with each other casually. But as soon as we came close to the cafeteria, we exchanged one last kiss and walked in separately. I joined Xavier and Lucy, and Eric joined the other leaders.
We couldn't make our relationship public. At least not yet. And until then, we spend time in Eric's apartment and acted distant around others.
Only in front of Xavier, Lucy, Four and Max, we could act like the couple we were.
"So, how's it going with the nice big wolf?" Xavier stopped eating for a second, asking me the usual question. "It's going very well, thank you."
Xavier was still suspicious of Eric and asked me every day how it was going and if Eric was treating me right.
"I swear, you're acting like my fath..." I stopped talking as I realised what I was saying. Neither Xavier, nor Lucy really knew about my father. The knew what happened on Visiting day, but that happens almost every year. Especially in Dauntless. But I didn't tell them about what happened back at Erudite.
"I'm...meeting with Eric. See you later." Without even touching my food, I stood up and left the big hall. I walked through the hallways, straight to Eric's apartment.
I opened the front door with the spare key he kept on top of the doorframe and went straight to the bedroom.
I hat those mood swings! Just because of that asshole of a father, a somehow great day easily turns into a disaster. Burying my face in the pillows I breathed in Eric's scent and finally found peace within myself and fell asleep.

Eric POV

Not even three minutes after we entered, Y/N already left the cafeteria again. I tried to catch Xavier's gaze, and as I did, he just shrugged is shoulders and shook his head.
Ignoring the stares of the other leaders, I followed Y/N, knowing she would walk to my apartment.
And I was right. The door was locked when I reached it and the key lied on the kitchen counter, waiting to be put back into it's place.
After getting a glass of water, I walked to my bedroom. I couldn't supress the smile that spread across my lips when I saw Y/N curled up in my bed.
I really could get used to that sight.
I put the glass down on my nightstand and changed Y/N clothes. And with changing clothes, I mean taking off her shoes, jeans and bra.
After that I took a quick shower and joined her in bed.
In my head, I went over the rest of initiation. Only three more days. In three days Y/N finished initiation and we wouldn't have to hide anymore.
That thought made me so happy, I pulled her body closer to mine and cuddled against her.
"Only three more days.." And with that thought, I fell asleep, dreaming for  the first time in a while.

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