Friends to Lovers Pt. 15

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Waking up early in the morning has never been nicer. Even though, I couldn't say that I woke on my own accords, the warm body next to me, let all my grumpiness fade into nothing but adoration.
Eric's arms were still wrapped around me, hugging my back to his chest.
"Morning." He gently kissed my neck and untangled his arms from me. Making a protesting sound, I tried to grab his arm and pull him back, but he was already too far gone.
"You know my morning routine baby."
I blushed. I never thought Eric would be one for nicknames, and I certainly didn't expect it the morning after we had our first kiss. Pulling the blanket up, so it covered my red cheeks, I stared at his naked back. The way his muscles moved as he pulled some trousers on. And don't even get me started on those arms! They may look hard, but it's like using a cloud as a pillow if you sleep on them.
Trying to get rid of those thoughts, I shook my head and looked away from him.
"Awwww, someone is embarrassed!" He grinned at me and sat down beside me, to put on his shoes. "Shut up and come back to bed. It's cold!" I reached out for his arm again, and this time even succeeded to catch it before he could pull away. "C'mon, I need my run. I'll make breakfast when I come back, okay?" He kissed my forehead and stood up, walked to the door.
"You know that you're mean, right?" I looked away from him, pouting. But he just chuckled and walked out of the apartment.
This man will be the de-
Shortly after the front door slammed shut, it opened again and Eric reappeared.
"Fuck this." He pulled his shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor. Apparently, he already took his shoes off, on the way to the bedroom, since he simply jumped into bed beside me, pulling me to him.
"Hey there." He nuzzled his nose against my neck, tickling me in the process.
"That certainly was a quick run." I couldn't help but giggle as he let out a low groan. "Shut up, woman." I continued to giggle, and he soon joined me.
"Couldn't just leave you all alone in bed, now could I?" Putting his forehead against mine, me teased my lips with his.
"No, that would've been very rude of you." I was breathing as if I had been running a marathon. Touching my lips to his, he immediately responded, and kissed me back. Rolling over, so he was on top of me, he pinned my wrists to the mattress, keeping me from messing up his hair.
We only ever broke the kiss, when we needed air, taking a few ragged breaths, before diving in again.
Is it always like this in the first phase of a relationship? I mean, I don't even know if we were in a relationship. He didn't say anything and I was too scared to ask. But still, this sexual tension in the air 24/7. I'm not sure if it makes me uncomfortable or if I love it.
Eric moved from my lips to my neck, leaving new marks and giving me the chance to breath through.
Lost in pleasure, neither of us noticed the two men entering the apartment and walking to the, still open, bedroom door.
"Ahem." Both, Eric and I, jolted up. Max and Four were standing in the door, grinning down at us.
"Just an initiate, huh?" Max laughed quietly, while Four shook his head, still grinning. "So, how about me being the godfather of your first child?" Max suggested the same thing Four did yesterday, causing Eric to roll his eyes. I just chuckled.
"With all due respect sir, could you maybe...give us a minute?" Still laughing, Max left the room, followed by a chuckling Four, who closed the door behind him.
"So much for making out before breakfast." I walked to the bathroom, getting one of the spare toothbrushes, Eric kept in the cabinet. For what, I will never know.
Standing behind me, he got his own brush and put some toothpaste on it before offering it to me. He wrapped his left arm around my waist, continuing to brush his teeth, making me blush again. Eric, of course, noticed and shot me a cocky smirk, earning a light elbow in the rips from me.
After that, we peacefully continued to brush our teeth, giving me the opportunity to observe him through the mirror.
His hair was slowly growing out, he'd need to cut it soon. And he also needed to shave his three-day beard. It does look good on him, but I doubt that he likes it.
Finishing before him, I rinsed my mouth out with water and washed me hands before clearing the sink for him.
While he rinsed out his mouth, I let my hand glide across the stubbles on his cheeks.
"I know. I need to shave." He stared at his imagine in the mirror, stroking over his cheeks.
Trying to sound as seductive as possible, I got on my tip toes and leaned against, whispering in his ears. "I like it." Nibbling as his jaw, I slightly tugged at his skin there, but let go as soon as he let out a low growl. Walking back into the bedroom, of course swinging my hips while doing that, I got one of his shirts to wear for breakfast.
Since I've been waiting for it, it didn't surprise me when two arms wrapped around my waist pressing me against him. "You're going to kill me, baby girl." He tugged at my earlobe, making me press my lips together to keep from moaning. All too soon, the sweet torture ended and we decided to finally meet Max and Four.
Both of them sat on the couch in the living room, still discussing who gets to be godfather.
"I said it first!" "I'm the leader of Dauntless!" It went back and forth.
Keeping his promise, and probably to escape the other, Eric vanished into the kitchen to make breakfast, leaving me with the other men, in the living room.
To my surprise, neither of them interrogated me. They just kept fighting about the same old topic.
After a few minutes, Eric walked in and handed me a mug, filled with coffee. Thankful, I wrapped my hands around it, enjoying the warmth.
"Okay, that's enough! You two decide!" Eric, who in the mean time sat down beside me on the chair, looked the Dauntless leader, obviously startled.
"Decide what?" "Who's going to be the godfather!"
"Oh, for fucks sake! I have enough of them." Eric stood up and walked back to the kitchen, leaving the guys and me, chuckling in the living room.
"I know, I'm still an imitate, but please...don't give Eric a hard time. Even though he is very cute when he is embarrassed." I giggled and placed a hand on my mouth as I felt to hands, gripping my shoulders. "You think I'm cute? Well, maybe we'll throw in a round of physical training again. What do you say Four?" "She is your girlfriend! Do what you like!"
It kept going like this, until Max's phone finally rang and the visitors left, much to Eric's relief. 
"" I hesitantly looked up from my toast, waiting for an answer.
"Fear sim. But, you'll do it with me. We'll go in together and see what we can do, okay?" The words 'Fear sim', already made my stomach churn, but going in with Eric would make it a lot easier.
We continued eating in silence and I volunteered to do the dishes. Eric took a shower and got dressed in the meantime.
"Your shirt is dirty from yesterday, you can keep the one you're wearing. Your jeans are okay." He brought out my clothes and dried the plates, so I could get dressed too.
Tugging his shirt into the jeans, it was barely visible that it wasn't one of my shirts...well except for the shoulders, but there was no other way.
"Ready?" Eric was already standing at the door, waiting for me. I jogged to him and placed a quick kiss on his lips, before opening the door and running outside.
"Okay...Y/N get back here!" He chased me through the corridors, until I ran into a dead end.
"Well, so much for that, huh?" He stalked towards me, took hold of my waist and pressed me against the wall. "By all means, you can't expect me to be satisfied after that kind of kiss."
He crashed his lips against mine, causing me to moan into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and without a second to wait, he hoisted me into the air, using the wall to press me against.
"Eric..." He, too, began to moan, as I began to tug on his hair.
Now, that I can put his hair to good use, I didn't want him to cut it.
He pushed me harder against the wall, causing me to inhale sharply. He used this, to push his tongue into my mouth. Our breaths mangled and I hoped there were no cameras near here, filming our make out session.
We continued to kiss for another two minutes, only stopping to get more air, before I finally managed to stop Eric.
He let me down, but didn't let go of me, until he was sure I could stand on my own two feet.
"That was...nice." Eric took hold of my hand, while we walked towards the dorms. "It sure was. Thank you." I kissed his cheek, before pulling my hand from his and running the rest of the way. I'm sure, Eric wouldn't like anyone seeing us like this, especially not the other initiates.
I ran down the stairs and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that nobody except Xavier and Lucy were there.
"Hey gu-" "Where were you?! We were worried sick! You better explain yourself fast, young lady!"
Oh my. That was going to be fun.

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