Friends to Lovers Pt. 12

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Eric POV

After lying down with Y/N, both of us quickly fell asleep.
The next time I opened my eyes, I only saw a big ball of hair curled up to me. Y/N's hair was all over the place, which caused me to chuckle a bit. Apparently, my chuckle wasn't as quiet as I thought, because Y/N began to stir in my arms.
"Mmm...Eric?" Her sleepy voice was so cute...ahm...I mean manly. "Can't sleep?" Her arms tightened and I buried my nose in her hair. "Nah, just used to waking up early...wanna go for a run?" At that, she pulled away and looked at me.
"A run? What time is it?" "Around three..." "You're officially crazy."
She snuggled up to me again, trying to keep me from leaving. "Come on Y/N, I need to go. It's my morning routine." "Fuck your morning routine." I was already sitting on the edge of the bed, her arms still tightly locked around me.
"Well, there's something else I would like to fu-" "Okay! Leave!"
She finally let go, obviously not interested in proposal.
Putting on some clothes, I took one last look at her form, curled around the blanket, a small smile found its way onto my lips.
"Sleep tight." I kissed her temple and left my apartment.
Running through the city always calmed me down. Especially if it was still dark and there were almost no people.
Especially after yesterday I needed something to calm me down.
The fact that that guy even dared to show his face. He is just disgusting! And I will kill him, no matter what.
I kept on running, through the different factions until I found myself back in Dauntless.
Walking through the compound, I encountered some soldiers that were on guard duty. Nobody else was awake.
It was four in the morning when I finally entered my apartment again. Y/N was still sound asleep and it was still a few hours until I needed to wake her up.
So I decided to take a shower and finish some paperwork I got left over from the last few days.

Getting a change of clothes to take with me to the bathroom, I observed Y/N again.
She wore on of my, way too big, Shirts. She hugged the blankets to her body and her ass stuck in the air.
Oh my, she is really going to be the death of me!
Quickly walking out of the room, I felt myself hardening in my pants. Dammit.
I turned the shower on and took my time. On one side, I had to take care of myself, on the other, I had to scrape all the sweat off my body.
Finishing up, I put on my clothes and grabbed my tablet, sitting down at the kitchen bar.

I worked for about one and a half hours when my bedroom door opened and my sleeping beauty walked towards me.
"Good morning..." She mumbled, sitting down beside me.
"Care for some breakfast?" I stood up and walked to my fridge, taking out eggs and bacon.
Throwing it all into a pan, I pushed a cup of coffee into Y/N's hands, observing her back from the kitchen counter. Her hair was all tangled up, the shirt swallowed her body. Her feets dangled in the air and she rested her elbows and her head on the counter.
Loading the eggs and the bacon onto two plates, I put one down in front of her and the other in front of my stool.
We ate in silence, neither on of us wanted to talk about what happened yesterday.
"Thank you Eric. For the breakfast and for yesterday." Her quiet mumble reached my ears and I looked up, sending her a small smile.
"Anytime, sugar."
"Seriously? Sugar?" She laughed at the nickname I chose for her, I think it suited her.
Shaking her head, she stood up and walked to the bedroom, colleting her clothes and put them on.
Before she walked out again, a knock came from my door. Naturally, she poked her head out and shot me a confused look. Showing her that she should hide in the bedroom and close the door, I opened the front door and saw Max and Four standing there.
"Good morning Eric." Max voice was firm, as always.
"Good morning, sir. Four." Four and I nodded at each other, while I waited for Max to tell what he needed from me.
"We are currently searching for Y/N, the initiate. Her father was here yesterday, as you know, and he acted up. So, we took him into custody. Now we have to talk to her." Max pushed past me, Four closed the door behind him. "The man told us that you two were friends back in Erudite. Is she here?" Max continued.
Rolling my eyes, I walked back to my tablet and scrolled through some mail.
"Yes, we were friends. No, she is not here. At this hour, she is normally either in the training hall, or helping in the cafeteria. Maybe search there." I tried to sound as passive as possible, not giving away that the person they searched for was literally in my bedroom, waiting for them to leave.
"Okay, we will. But just to be sure, can I check your bedroom?" Max was already walking towards the door, making me panic.
"I wouldn't do that." Max turned around and glanced at me. "And why is that?"
"Well, just because the initiate isn't here doesn't mean I didn't have company last night. And you know how women are, she will be complaining and I already have an headache."
Chuckling in understanding, Max walked back and bid his goodbyes to me and Four.
As soon as the door closed, Four turned to me. "Where is she?" I pointed to the bedroom door and Four immediately stalked over and yanked the door open. "Get. Out."
Y/N bashfully walked out and towards me, taking up her cup of coffee again and sipping what's left.
"How many times are you going to be so stupid?! You almost got caught this time!" Fours screams echoed through the room. Y/N shrunk together in fear, I don't want to know how many times her father yelled at her like that.
I put my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. Shooting Four a glare, he shut up and stuck to shaking his head.
"Are you okay?" Y/N nodded and shot me a small smile.
"Well, I should leave...see you guys later." She kissed my cheek and walked out the front door. Four turned to me.
"You like her." He stated the obvious, still I shook my head and turned my attention to my tablet.
"You know, I think that you two would look good together. And maybe she can bring out a better side of you. Just...stick to a minimum, okay? At least while she is still an initiate."
After that Four left.
Trying to concentrate on my mails, I finally gave up after I read one sentence for the sixth time. Four was right, I like her. More than I should...

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