The Allies' Parents

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   Thor grab onto my hand before I could make a break for it.

'Man he's strong,' I think as he tightens his grip on me. I squeak in pain.

"Oh, apologies," Thor says as he loosens his grasp on my hand.

"Tell me again brother how you believe father will react to this pathetic child." Loki says.

'I'm really beginning to not like this guy.' I think as Thor half drags, half guides me to the end of the bridge.

"Father will be proud that his two sons," he gestures the two of them, "brought another creature in need to our humble home." He gestures at me.

"Your faith in father is perplexed, he would not be delighted to find out we did not listen to him."

"You should learn to be more positive with your way of thinking." Thor states.

"I believe it would be a better idea if we show this child to mother first. It worked with the other one." Loki pushes.

"Perhaps you are right brother. Let's bring her to mother." Thor agrees.

    Thor makes a sharp turn and pulls me down a staircase. I almost loose my step when Thor goes too fast as he half walks half jogs down it.

'I hate being little.' I think as I follow him, tripping with almost every step.

Loki walks next to Thor as we head down. They continue to bicker between each other as I am literally a few seconds from death on a staircase, but it's find, it's fine.

We reach the bottom steps safely and continue to walk towards two large, beautiful doors. They open before us and standing there is a woman and a young girl. They both look at me strangely. The lady who helped with my capture comes up behind them with three men. One has long brown hair and a long beard. Another has blond hair and is tall. The third has sleek black hair in a bun with gold and bronze armor.

"Mother, we brought the other child from the Haroly planet." Thor says.

"I can see that," the woman says, "but I don't believe that this child is the one we were looking for. She does not express the description Margeratha has provided us with."

Thor begins to speak but I interrupt him. "A?" I say as I begin to walk up to the doors.

The girl looks down at me and smiles, she begins to run down to me. I run up to her and embrace her in a hug.

"New body I see." she says.

"New hairdo." I say as I play with her hair, she giggles and I laugh because of that familiar sound.

"Who is this child?" Yells a booming voice. My sister and I freeze. I look up at him and I feel him looking into my soul. Creepy.

"Father," Thor says as he bows down to him, as does everyone else, I follow suit and bow down.

My sister mumbles something.


"Wrong knee," she says.

I quickly switch knees and bow my head out of embarrassment. Everyone stands and I slowly follow them. I don't look up at the man because when I did I felt judged and I don't like being judged.

"Who is this child?" Odin asks again.

"This is Agerathea," says a man wearing gold armor, he has light chocolate skin and gold eyes, "the sister of Margeratha."

"Heimdall," Thor says.

"Wait who's Agerathea and Margeratha?" I ask.

"You two." Thor says pointing between us.

"Wait what?!?" I look over at my sister and she smirks.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now