The Battle of Chicago (Part 1)

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I deflect her punch with my arm. Her hateful green eyes change to orange, I look down at her hands and watch as the orange flames separate from the red ones and reach out to my chest. The red flames travel down to my hands and feet covering them in some kind of rack that isn't allowing them to move. I feel a smooth sensation come over me as the orange flames went into my chest. She pushes me down to the ground and is on top of me. Her hands move up to my neck and close around it.

I feel myself get pulled into somewhere and close my eyes. 'This is it' I think. A2 has won already. I open my eyes expecting to see Zaydon and Cordin greeting us, but they're not there, and I'm not anywhere. I look around and see nothing but white. I turn around not knowing where I am. 

"You know, invading someone's mind is an invasion of someone's privacy right?"  

I turn around and see Margeratha standing there. She's wearing light blue clothes, I look down at myself and see that I am wearing yellow clothing instead of the Asgardian armor. I look back up my sister.

"I didn't do this." I say looking at her, her eyes are changing from red and orange.

"I did." She says. "When my controlled self went into your soul, I somehow had little control over some of it. I reached out to something and here were are."

"Oh, that's cool, I guess." I say. "Hey I'm sorry." 

"For what." 

"For controlling you all that time." I say. "I didn't know I did that to you."

"Agerathea, they had control over you when you did those type of things." She smiles. "You have nothing to apologize for." 

She walks up to me and smiles. 

"Wait, aren't we giving you," she raises her eyebrows, "the controlled you, the opportunity to  take me back?" I ask.

"No," She simply says and it's my turn to raise my eyebrows, "Because you froze time."

I look at her with my eyebrows still raised. She rolls her eyes and waves her hand. I follow her into the white mist. She stops and looks up, I follow suit and see a picture. It's me in the Asgardian armor, pinned down with green flames surrounding me. Margeratha's hand is clasped around my neck with red and orange flames coming out of it. 

"How do you know your way around this place?" I ask.

"I've spent a lot of time in here." She says and smiles at me. "I usually come over here to see what I'm doing." Her smile falters and turns into a frown. 

"I'm sor..." I begin but she stops me with a hand in my face.

"Stop apologizing." She commands. "You did nothing wrong, it was Zaydon who is in the wrong." 

"But I left you in Haroly." I say. "I left you there to..."

She walks up to me and hugs me.

"I know, but I know that you would come back for me." 

I smile on her shoulder, I feel something loosen in my chest that I wasn't aware was there.

"Now, let's handle this situation." She says pulling away.

I look back up at the screen and see the same picture as before. I see Margeratha standing there, thinking about the situation.

"Take control of me." She says.


"Take control of me." She repeats. "Maybe if you do that then they may lose connection to my head and it will give us more time."

I think about it but then stop. A vision pops into my head and I see myself taking control of Margeratha. She looks at me and smirks, portals open above us and we fly up. I find myself on the floor and she helps me up.

"Your eyes are glowing green." She says. "I've never been able to have my powers work while I am in here." 

"They're not powers." I say. "They are abilities, they mean two different things Margeratha."

She nods but then repeats her idea.

"No." I say 

"Why not?" She asks. "It could work, you can control me to go somewhere else, somewhere that is farther than Asgard, farther than here, it could..."

"It won't!" I snap and she jumps back. "I saw... a vision. I saw myself controlling you to go back to Haroly, but it wasn't me doing it, it was as if.."

"As if someone was putting words into your mouth." She finishes for me. "I know, that happened to me, too."

"I don't understand why they won't just control both of us at once."

"I do." I look at her and she continues. "They tried controlling you about two weeks ago. They wanted you to control me and you obliged. You made me do some terrible things," I gasp and begin to apologize again but she stops me, "but they weren't your fault. About the third or fourth time you took control of me, you fell to the ground and fainted.  The medics took you in and you were in the recovery wing for almost a week and a half. When you woke up that morning, you still have some of your memories but not all of them."

"So I somehow fought back to them controlling me?" I ask.

"Yes, I am not sure on how you were able to fight back but you fought it having control of you within fifteen minutes of them beginning the procedure."

"Why do you think I was able to make them loose control of me?" I ask.

"I am not sure, but we really should get back to the problem." She says gesturing back to the screen.

I look back up at the screen and nod. 

"We'll try your plan, since they can't have control of me for too long and since we are farther away this time, I'll do it." I say.

"Are you sure?" She asks. "Because two seconds you were like 'no I had a vision and we both die!'"

"Yes, I'm sure, if it begins to not feel right I'll stop right away." I assure her.

"Okay, here's the plan."

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now