Back to the Familiar Place

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Odin grabs onto my arm and leads me away from Thor and Loki. He continues to pull me until we reach the palace and he stops.

The doors open before us and he begins to pull me again. We pass the familiar halls until he stops suddenly at a door. He opens it and inside the room is a staircase leading upward. He gestures for me to climb and I begin to.


   I step over to where A1 punched the floor. She left a hole along with cracks that lead all the way to the wall. I look around and see half of the guests still asleep from the darts the masked men fired, they have really bad aim.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Father says as he comes up behind me. I see him looking around, he turns his head and gives me a bright purple handprint on the side of his face.

"I don't like that child yet, but I will soon enough." He says smiling a bloody smile.

"I don't understand why we need two." I say. "We've completed the phases with A2 and we're almost complete with the other subject."

"Without one of them, we won't be able to use her to her full potential." He says. "How many times would I have to explain this to you?"

"As many as it takes." I say, I see A2 enter the room and she looks dumbfounded. "How is Subject B1 doing? Any signs of development of specialties?"

I see A1 begin to listen in on our conversation. Zaydon notices as well.

"We've found her. She is located on sector 3190, Asgard." She continues with her smooth voice. "Since the last we've checked."

"Great!" Zaydon says sarcastically. "Just great. After this is all through, we might be in a full waged war with Asgard."

"Possibly not." I say. They both look at me like that is highly unlikely. "She is a weapon. She causes destruction. Look around you, she has no idea what she possesses." I say gesturing around us. "They will give her back to us. They would not want to deal with her... abilities."

"I hope you are correct." Zaydon says as he walks away.

   A2 looks at me and then follows him out the door. I follow her and catch up with my father.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To give the Asgardians a little shove on giving us back A." He responds and keeps walking.

   I stop and see A2 run past me.

"This is going to end well." I mumble.


   Odin opens the doors, which the staircase had led to. Inside bookshelves line the walls, ancient looking books are on the shelves, probably filled with ancient knowledge of the universe... or banned stories? Who knows, my first guess was way too deep.

"This room contains knowledge that has been around for centuries." Odin says.

'Well that's ironic.' I think.

"What you are may also be in these books." Odin continues.

"Wait what?" I ask. "Me? I am in one of these ancient books?"

"Your birth, along with your sibling's, has been prophesied for millions of years. The only issue was that no one knew when this occurrence would happen." He says. "The prophecy states that you will arrive after the destruction of  your homeland."

"As in, I was born?"

"Correct." He says.

"Odin?" Says a familiar female voice.

"Yes Frigga?" He says a little annoyed.

"What are you doing up there," she says, "and who are you talking to?"

"I am in the presence of Agerathea." He says.

"Oh yes of course! Welcome back dear."

"Thank you." I say to her.

"Oh dear are you hungry?" She asks.

    I look over at Odin but he just stares at me blankly.

"Yes." I respond.

"Come on down and join us for dinner." She says.

   I continue to look at Odin and he gestures for us to go down the staircase to get dinner.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now