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Frigga led us to a large room with a balcony that had an extravagant view of Asgard. The table holds food that I have yet to have  seen before this day. Meats and vegetables line the table along the plates and silverware. It's definitely a step up to what I used to eat.

I sit down randomly at the table as we wait flr the rest of the guests to arrive. I feel my stomach grumble, Frigga smirks at me and Odin looks at me with disgust. The three men I had met before, come into the room.

"Ah Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg; I'm glad you could join us." Frigga says and gestures for them to sit down.

They sit just as Loki and Thor enter the room, deep in conversation. They sit down across from me and Frigga, and become silent when Odin stood up.

"Tomorrow Agerathea will begin training, not only physically but mentally. I will appoint Fandral to work with her physicality, until Sif returns, and Frigga with her mental. She shall also train with...." He says.

'I'm training?' I think and feel a familiar presence enter my mind.

'Quite shocking, isn't it?' Says the cold voice. 'Of course, it was volunteerism that determined who would train you.'

   I look up and see Loki smirking at me. I return with a grimace.

'I'm not surprised that you didn't volunteer.' I snap.

I hear his chuckle and kick him under the table. I turn my attention back to Odin only to see him silent and staring at us, the rest of the table is also staring right at us.

"So it is true." I hear Odin whisper. "She is the one from the prophecy."

"What prophecy?" I ask. "The one that you and my sister were telling me before she betrayed me?"

"Yes." Odin says.

"Wait so it's true then, my sister and I are both Attolian." I say.


I look down. It shouldn't be shocking for me but it is. I never really thought that there was something special about me. I thought I was just a guinea pig for those crazies back on Haroly.

"Wait, why were you staring at me a moment ago?" I ask.

"We heard you voice inside of our heads." Fandral says.

"Oh, I've been meaning to work on that."

"Yes, well that is why you will be having lessons with me." Frigga says.

"Okay." I say. "But I still don't know how to control whatever it is that I possess. I mean I have an idea but I don't have any control over them..."

"Agerathea, have you not been paying attention? You will be having physical training with Fandral and your specialty training with Loki." Says Odin.

"What?" I say as Loki says. "I beg your pardon."

"Yes, since the two of you keep having mini conversations with each other, I have decided that the two of you shall do training lessons." Odin says.

"Ew." I say. "He's like twenty years older than me."

I imagine the stone wall and begin to think. 'I don't like him. He's too old and mean and everything. And also I'm just a kid.' I think as I sit there.

"Actually I'm over a thousand years old." Loki says.

"I'm done." I sit back in my chair and wait for the meal to begin. I can't deal with this idiot right now; he's mean, way too sarcastic for me and has no respect.

"Let this meal begin." Odin says.

   Everyone begins to eat and talk to each other. I reach out and put chicken and some kind of brown round thing on my plate. I look down at my plate and think as I sit there silently. My sister is still in that hellhole and here I am eating peacefully. I push my plate away from me despite my stomach's complaints.

   I get up and walk out of the room, hopefully not getting noticed by anyone. I run down the halls, not really knowing where I am going. I make many turns and begin to slow down. A wave of sadness creeps up onto me as I walk. My sister is at a place where they can make her do whatever they want her to, she could be facing her worst nightmare right now and not even realizing it, and here I am walking around the halls, having more freedom than she had ever had.

   I turn and stop at a set of large doors. Designs of plants and trees were carved into the wood. I push them open and find myself outside in some kind of garden. Colors that I have never seen before create designs in the patches of flowers. Olive trees line some paths and flowers line others. I walk down one of the tree paths, feeling the texture of the wood that I've only seen in books. The rough wood scratches softly at my skin as I walk slowly through the tunnel of branches and roots.

    I eventually find myself at a patch with chairs circling a pit. I sit down in one of them and look around. Taking in the scenery.

'A... Margeratha would have loved to see this.' I think to myself. Tears burn my eyes. I left my sister there, I left my sister in enslavement.

"You know it is not the best idea to go roaming around Asgard on your own." Says a soft voice behind me.

I quickly wipe my eyes and turn around. Frigga stands there smiling at me. I nod, trying to hide my sadness. Frigga snaps her fingers and something bursts inside the pit. Flames dance in the hole.

"May I?" She asks, gesturing for her to sit down.

I nod and she sits on one of the chairs next to me.

"I understand that you miss your sister." She says.

   I look up at her, tears begin to rim my eyes from the smoke and the emotions. I nod and look back at the fire.

"It's not your fault that she is still there." She says. "It's they're fault. The Harolese for creating her into the thing she is."

"She is not a thing. She is my sister." I croak.

"She seemed brainwashed when she was here." Frigga continues. "I don't believe she had control over her body during the Harolese invasion."

"I don't think so either." I say staring into the fire. "I felt her tense up and then she began to drag me."

"She's just a child." Frigga whispers. I look up at her and see a tear stream down her cheek.

"Yep, just a child, just a sister, just a lab rat." I yell I get up and throw one of the chairs into the garden. I feel a tingly sensation spread throughout my body and I look down. My arms are wrapped in purple flames, but they don't burn. They feel warm, comforting, as if I was getting a hug. I look up and see Frigga in total disbelief.

"I want to save her just as you do." She says. "But in order for us Asgardians and you to work together, you will need to learn to properly control your abilities."

I nod and try to calm down. I feel the sensation slowly diminish and I sit back down in a different chair. Tears well my eyes as we sit there in silence.

"I believe you should go to sleep, you have an early morning tomorrow." She says.

She stands up and begins to leave the garden. I follow her out of the tree tunnel and back into the castle.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now