New Place

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    I wake up on the floor in a room. There is nothing on the walls nor anything on the floor. I get up and walk around the room. A door appears and I walk in.

    A large table with five children sit around it. They all turn around and look at me, one of them being my sister, Margeratha. She smiles at me but I don't return the smile.

"I'm sorr-"

"Who are these kids?" I ask, cutting her off.

"The others." She says.

"What others." I ask.

The room begins to become bright. I feel myself stir.

"Wait, what others?" I ask and the room becomes blurs away into whiteness.


    I jump up out of my seat and collapse to the floor out of dizziness. The door opens and two hands lift me up and place me back into the seat.

   A desk comes out of the floor and lefts up. It stops and clicks when it reaches the proper height. The door closes behind the creature that lifted me back into the chair.

This room is pretty boring. The walls and the floor are beige, there is no decoration and there's nothing on the desk. The door opens and the Zaydon walks in. Yay!

   He goes around the desk and sits on a chair that I didn't notice before. He folds his arms on the desk and looks up at me.

"Good to see you A1." He says in a strangely calm voice.

   I don't respond. I don't want to be treated the same way I was when I was on the ship. I nod to show that I was listening. 

"You have completed the second phase." He says.

"How?" I ask.

"The Frost Giant was taken down, that was the trial of the phase." He says.

    I don't ask any questions I just nod. I don't want to go through that phase again so I'll take it.

"We will be continuing on to the third phase." He says and gazes up at me. "That would mean that you are past the halfway point."

'Yay! I think I'm literally going to lose it.'

"This next phase will not be as easy as the first two."

'That's what Cordin said about phase two, will anything get easier around here?'

"It will play with your mind, make you choose between left and right, forward and backward. Just make the right decisions."

"If I may," I begin and see him nod, "What is the point to all of this?" I ask.

"To see if you could become something more." He responds.

    We sit there for a few awkward moments before he gets out of his chair and gestures for me to follow him. I still don't trust him, I never did. The way he slapped and punched me the other hour? Day? Year? Whenever it was didn't help with my trust toward this creature.

"More as in?" I say as I wave my hands around. We go out into the hall and begin to walk to some unknown place.

"More as in more." He responds blankly. "You are not going to get my plans out of me, A1."

   We continue in silence for a few moments before I realize the most obvious question.

"Where are we going?"

"Your sleeping quarters." He says. "I can't trust you with your sister anymore so we moved the two of you apart."

"Oh." I completely forgot about my sister's little shenanigan at Asgard. I pain begins to spread across my chest the more I think about it so I push the thought aside.

    Zaydon leads me to a door and opens it. The room contains a bed with a blanket and a pillow, a closet, a mirror in the corner and a vanity. The vanity is covered with cups of brushes, pallets, tubes, and viles. I feel a slight push and I walk into the room. The door shuts behind me and I am left alone.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now