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"Father what are you doing?" Thor shouts.

"Do not question your king." Odin replies. "Take the children, we have no need for them."

"Father." Shouts Thor.

"Silence." He hisses back. "Take them."

   I see my sister tense up. I grab my sister's arm and run but she doesn't move. Instead she grabs onto my arm and begins to pull me toward the masked creatures.

"What are you doing." I scream at her.

"My mission." She responds.

   Masked creatures begin to walk up to us. I twist my arm and make Margeratha lose her grip. Tears well my eyes as I run away from her but it's too late. Two masked creatures grab my arms and drag me toward the ships.

   I face Thor and Loki as they watch me get dragged away. They're both quiet as the rest of the army is. I don't even try to fight. There is no use. These creatures are too strong.

I reach my mind out to Loki and Thor. I close my eyes and whisper to the both of them in my mind.

'Goodbye.' I say as it echoes in my mind.

'Lady Agerathea, I promise this will get better.' Thor says.

A tear escapes my eyes and trail down my face. I don't want to go, but what choice do I have? Loki doesn't respond to me and I open my eyes and look at him. I imagine a brick wall and see Thor and Loki have an expression of pain cross their face.

The creatures slam me onto a chair and place a crown of wires onto my head. I look around the inside of the ship and see the creatures surround me, my sister walks past me and into the back of the it.

I look up at Odin and look him in the eye. I reach out toward his mind.

'Thanks, for all of your help.' I think sarcastically.

'It was not...' I imagine a wall and block him out. I smile when I see him taken back. The doors to the ship begin to close and two more tears escape my eyes.

This may be the last time I see the sun, see humans, see... freedom.

"Welcome back A1." Says a cold, familiar voice.


"Father, why did you let the child go?" Thor questions.

"Thor, do not question your father's decisions." Frigga warns but Odin waves her off.

The army returns to the castle as they speak to each other. Thor pauses and nods toward the soldiers acknowledging them for their work. He directs his attention back to his father.

"It was not her time." Odin replies.

"Time for what?" Loki asks.

"Freedom." Odin replies blankly.


   I sit in the chair waiting for literally anything to happen. For me to be punished, be yelled at or anything else. It feels strange to be just sitting in this chair.

"Excellent, excellent, excellent." Zaydon says as he comes up behind me. "Did you really think it would be that easy to get away from us." He's yelling now, a crazy look sparks in his eyes. "Did you really think those Asgardians would care about you?" He asks.

I whimper not out of fear of him, but out of fear that this will be my life now. I didn't want to go back. He slaps me across my face almost causing the crown of wires to fall off my head.

I get up but am pushed back down in my seat by the creatures. They wrap restraints around my legs and feet, making sure to tighten to the very maximum.

"Weak." Zaydon continues. "Useless. Afraid. Apprehensive. Stupid. These are just a few descriptions of you."

"Yep, taking that right to the heart." I say sarcastically.

He punches me in the face. I try to hold back a cry, but it still escapes my lips. Blood fills my mouth and I spit at the floor.

He begins to speak in a tongue that I cannot understand. He looks down at me and smiles.

"I liked you better when you were quiet."

He punches me in the face and I am forced into unconsciousness.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now