7. White

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"Reign Adams." He said smiling and walking towards me.

It has been 6 years since I've seen this face. I remember, after I broke up with him he continued college for 7 months and then he moved to California. I don't know what happened but he switched to another college:

He looks different now; back then he used to be nicely clean shaved. I always loved his after shave fragrance but now he's having beard. He looks good though.

He is wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie which is perfectly fitting him. He has his hair neatly gelled back. I hope he doesn't think that I'm checking him out. I found my way back to his blue orbs.

"Xavier..." I said smiling back at him.

I'm saying this name after so many years.

"Long time, it's been like what- -" I said.

"6 years? Yeah. How are you doing? I heard you are the new CEO of Adams's Hotels."

"Yes. I'm doing good, what about you? What are you doing here?"

Wow, I never thought I'd be having this formal conversation with him in the future.

"Julia got married few days ago. So I came for the wedding. And Mr.Johnson came to know I was in the city so he invited me here." He said smiling.

"Oh, Julia got married? Congratulations to her." I said beaming.

Julia is Xavier's elder sister. She was the best woman I knew. We used to hangout all the time. She was a complete package. Fun, outgoing, understanding, beautiful and everything that a good friend has. I really liked her. Although, I did not see any picture of her in the news or anything. I'm so happy that she got married. I hope she found her perfect man.
I'm sad that we stopped talking after what happened between me and Xavier.

"It's good to see you, Reign. After so many years, you look beautiful like always." He said looking at me.

"Thank you. You look different too, in a good way." I said blushing at his words.

"I would love to have a long conversation with you but I should go. My date is waiting for me." He said.

"Oh yes, sure. See you." I said.

"Yeah, I hope to see you soon."

He looked at me for a moment & then left.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I shook my head and walked to the mirror to touch up my makeup. As I was applying lipstick, Christian came barging inside the washroom which startled me and I drove the lipstick straight down my chin.

"Christian!", I screamed looking at him.

He raised his hands in the air.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He said trying to suppress a laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked pulling out some tissue paper from the box beside the sink.

"I was waiting outside for you and you were taking so much time. I saw a man walk outside just now, I thought you were in trouble." He said walking in my direction.

"You ruined my makeup, Christian. And that man was my ex." I said cleaning the lipstick carefully.

"Oh, was he?" He asked standing beside me, leaning on the basin counter.


He nodded folding his arms.

"Thank you, Christian. This lipstick stain isn't going." I placed my hand on hips & turned to face him.

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