Chapter 28: Snap

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            "There's always a way," Yunho stated. "We just need to figure out why Changmin is the one who switched with Yoochun, while the rest of us aren't affected. Let's retrace our steps starting with you, Jaejoong."

Yoochun sat down and proceeded to type on his laptop.

"Everything happened so quickly. I'm not sure what I did exactly." Jaejoong admitted. "I think I was attempting to catch Yoochun."

"I see." Yunho looked over at Junsu. "How about you?"

"I saw Yoochun flailing to seize the camera, so I tried to break his fall," Junsu said.

"I did the same as well," Yunho informed. "There must be a reason why Changmin was the one who swapped bodies with Yoochun."

"Considering all the information we've gathered," Yoochun pointed out, "we could conclude that whoever snaps the picture is the one who switches."

"Wait," Changmin thought of something. "I think I know why."

Junsu looked over at the lad. "Why Changmin?"

"Babe, I'm Yoochun," Changmin reminded.

"Oh...right. Yoochun. Tell us why."

Rubbing his chin gingerly, Changmin asked. "Who here got blinded by the camera's flash?"

"I saw a flash, but I wasn't blinded by it," Junsu replied.

"Me neither." Jaejoong joined in.

Their four clients shook their heads to indicate that they weren't either.

"So, that's it!" Yunho smiled at the gadget guy. "I understand what you're getting at Changmin."

Changmin sighed. "Boss, I'm Yoochun."

"Aish! You know what I mean." Yunho huffed.

"Oh, so that's why." Yoochun grinned when he also figured it out.

"Maybe the three of you should share your discovery with us," Jaejoong suggested.

Yunho looked over at Yoochun and instructed. "Tell them, Changmin."

"I was blinded by the flash when Yoochun hyung accidentally hit the button," Yoochun enlightened.

Jaejoong's eyes lit up when he finally caught on. "I see."

"What do you see, Jaejoong hyung?" Junsu blinked confusedly. "I'm still a bit fuzzy with the whole incident."

"Changmin was staring at the camera when the flash went off. That's why he and Yoochun exchanged bodies."

"Oh, you're right!" Junsu exclaimed. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you're too busy thinking about me," Changmin teased.

Junsu shivered. "Yoochun, you should stay quiet while you're in Changmin's body. Seeing him talk like you is freaking me out."

"It's freaking me out, too," Yoochun grumbled as he glanced up from his laptop.

"Stay focused, team," Yunho demanded. "Let's put our heads together and fix this chaos."

"Yes, boss." Changmin smirked greasily. "Let's get this over with so that Junsu could enjoy me all to himself."

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