Chapter 18: Inheritance

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            "What?" Yoochun found Junsu's words rather shocking. "Are you sure it's him?"

Junsu realized that Yoochun was speaking funny, so he let go of the man's face. "I'm not sure he's the same person, but the resemblance is uncanning."

"We should go tell the others. Maybe Minho-sshi is linked to this case."

"Okay." Trailing behind Yoochun, Junsu hurried in his footsteps to catch up.

Their teammates were discussing something when they got there, therefore the two quickly joined them.

"Minho-sshi," Yoochun addressed. "Do you happen to have a relative you look like?"

"I was told that I look a lot like my grandfather. Why do you ask?"

"Do you have a photograph of your grandfather with you?"

"Yeah, I have a family portrait in my wallet." Minho reached into his pants pocket and took out the photo to show them. "The elderly man sitting in front is my grandfather. We took this picture a year ago. He passed away last month."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. He told us that we shouldn't be sadden by his death, because he lived a long life."

"Your grandfather was a wise man," Yunho said.

"Yes, he was," Minho agreed. "But, he did have one regret before he died."

"What was that?"

"He did something to his best friend that he wasn't proud of and wanted to find that man's family to apologize. Even after searching for so many years, he wasn't able to find them. I promised my grandfather that I would find them for him and fulfill his dying wish."

"I see." Yunho nodded. "May I ask...?"

"You want to know what my grandfather did to his friend, right?" Minho interrupted.


"He accidentally killed his friend during an argument."

Yoochun immediately looked at Junsu and then over at Minho. "Do you have a photo of your grandfather when he was young?"

"It's in my research." Minho flipped through his binder and stopped at a certain page. "See?" He pointed at the yellowish, black and white picture. "Don't I look like him?"

"Junsu, is it him?" Yoochun inquired.

"It's him," Junsu confirmed. "He was the one who pushed me."
"Wait. Do you mean Minho-sshi's grandfather?" Jaejoong finally spoke.


"So, the victim was Minho-sshi's grandfather's best friend," Yoochun concluded.

"I'm sorry. You've lost me. Who is the victim?" Minho was puzzled by the conversation between the team members.

"Minho-sshi, do you know the name of your grandfather's best friend?" Changmin raised.

"His name was Jiro Wang."

"That doesn't sound like a Taiwanese name,"

"It's not. His real name was Wang Dong Cheng. Jiro was a nickname his lady friend gave him."

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