Chapter 9: Comatose

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            "No." Changmin glanced over at Dongwook and saw him smirking. 'An entire house with only the two of us.' He gulped nervously at the thought. "I'm...going to go finish up some work. I'll be in my room but don't come looking for me." With that said, the youngest dashed upstairs and shut himself inside his bedroom.

"That kid sure has long legs," Yoochun commented.

"Is something bothering him?" Yunho asked. "Changmin has been acting strange ever since..." Looking over at Dongwook, the leader of the team immediately halted his speech.

"Ever since I arrived?" Dongwook finished the sentence for Yunho.

"I think he's just shy," Junsu voiced.

"The only one in this house who is shy is you, Junsu," Yoochun enlightened. "Changmin is nowhere near shy. That boy could run his mouth and drown you with his intellect as long as he is well fed."

"You have the feeding part accurate," Jaejoong agreed with a smile.

Yoochun noticed both Yunho and Dongwook with their sights lingering on the beautiful man's face and remarked. "I smell some competition ahead."

"You could smell competition?" Junsu blinked confusedly at Yoochun. "I thought you only smell evil spirits and such."

"Goodness. Why are you so adorably innocent?" Yoochun teased Junsu. "I want to give you a kiss right smack on your lips."

Junsu's eyes widened and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands. "I'm not innocent," he muttered with his voice slightly muffled.

"You are." Yoochun begged to differ.

"I'm going to my room to listen to music."

"I shall accompany you. Good night, hyungs." Yoochun greeted Dongwook, Jaejoong and Yunho before trailing after the lad upstairs. "Junsu, wait!" He grabbed a hold of Junsu's wrist.

"W-What is it, Yoochun?" Junsu pulled loose from Yoochun's grip.

"Could we talk?"

"I'm tired. Let's talk another time."

"Do you dislike me or something?"

"I...don't dislike you."

"Then, why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not," Junsu denied.

"We live under one roof. You'll have to deal with me sooner or later."

Junsu's gaze met Yoochun's and fear washed over him. "Yoochun, I can't be with you or anybody else and I don't want to tell you why. I don't want you to know." Junsu furrowed his brows looking a tad worried. "I don't want any of you to know."

"I don't understand," Yoochun uttered.

"You guys are like my family; a family I haven't had for a long time. I don't want any of you to hate me, especially you, Yoochun."

"Why would I hate you, when I like you so much?"

"I'm not worth it." Junsu speedily entered his room and wanted to close the door, but Yoochun pushed his way in, shutting the wooden barrier behind him. "Yoochun, what are you...?"

"At least tell me this." Yoochun stepped closer to Junsu. "Do you have feelings for me?"

"It doesn't matter."

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