Chapter 6: Conception

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            "We're not going to do any testing here, since it's no longer necessary," Yunho explained. "Instead, we would be accompanying them to the hospital this Friday afternoon to check out the place."

"In that case, I should go stop Changmin from setting up the equipment," Yoochun stated.

"I'll do it," Junsu uttered and hurried off to do so.

Soon, the two youngest member of their team emerged from Junki's home office and joined the rest of them in the living room.

"We can't bring any equipment into the hospital, so we're going to have to rely on our own judgment," Yunho informed. "Remember to watch your backs. It could be extremely disturbing in there."

"Yunho hyung, we don't have to go empty-handed," Changmin said. "I'll perfect the gadgets in two days."

"That would be great Changmin."

"Alright, guys." Yoochun herded. "Let's go clear out our headquarter."

"Headquarter?" Junsu asked.

"Our testing room."

"That is an excellent name," Junsu praised. "We should call it that from now on."

"Um...Junsu hyung," Changmin interrupted. "That is what it's called. Yoochun hyung didn't make it up."

"Yah, kid." Yoochun threw Changmin a wink. "Let Junsu think that I'm a genius and not spoil my image with the truth."

"Yoochun hyung, there's no need for that. Junsu hyung already likes you and he's not the type to pick on such petty reasons to dislike you."

"C-Changmin," Junsu sputtered. "I never said I'm in love with Yoochun. Don't put words in my mouth."

"You're the one putting words in my mouth," Changmin clarified. "I said 'like', not 'love'. No wonder you won't admit to liking him. You're madly in love with him."

"I...I'm not. Y-You the one who is mad."

"Stuttering is a form of denying one's true feelings."

"Is Yoochun paying you or something? Why are you helping him?"

"I help no one. I just love promoting love." Changmin beamed.

"T-There's no love here."

"There's love everywhere," Changmin corrected. "You need to open your eyes and recognize it."

"I don't love him," Junsu muttered as he glanced down at the floor. "I...can't."

"What do you mean 'you can't'?" Yoochun questioned. "You either do, or you don't."

"I can't...Yoochun. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not right for you." With that, he left to go break up their headquarter.

"Junsu." Yoochun speedily trailed after him.

"I'll go help them out," Jaejoong finally spoke.

"Me too." Changmin excused himself and caught up with Jaejoong.

"Sorry about that," Yunho apologized. "My teammates are young and..."

"You don't need to explain, Yunho-sshi," Junki cut in. "It's totally understandable."

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