Chapter 17: Inheritance

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            Panting, Junsu drew his hand away from Ethan and took a step back.

"Junsu, are you okay?" Yoochun held onto Junsu in case he lost his balance like last time.

"Y-Yes." He gave the concern man a nod of the head to reassure him.

"What's wrong with him?" Ethan glanced over at Ariel.

"He's fine," Ariel stated. "The flight must have tired him out. I'll take them to their rooms."

"What is wrong with the kids these days?" Ethan shook his head disapprovingly. "I'm going to my room."

"Alright. I'll tell you when it's time for dinner," Ariel said.

Ethan headed upstairs to his bedroom and closed the door.

Ariel turned to the investigators with a worried expression. "Is my husband...?"

"My gadget didn't detect any spiritual possession," Changmin answered. "Although there are spirits in the house, your husband isn't being possessed."

"There are spirits here?"

"Yes, but they are friendly specters which pose no threat to the living."

"If he's not possessed, then why is he behaving so strangely?" Ariel inquired.

"We'll need to carry out further investigations," Yunho provided. "Please don't worry, Ariel-sshi. My team will do our best to help your husband."

"I understand." She nodded. "Let me show you to your rooms."


The team would be occupying all four of the rooms downstairs. One would be used as their headquarter, while the other three were shared in pairs. As before, Yunho and Jaejoong shared one while Yoochun and Junsu shared another. Changmin was to take the room in-between them since he was alone.

Yoochun walked over to Junsu whilst they were setting up headquarter. "Junsu."

The lad was connecting the wirings to their laptops and looked up at Yoochun from his crouched position. "Huh?"

"What did you see at first? You had a premonition, didn't you?"

Junsu stood up to talk to Yoochun. "I saw a man dressed in a brown suit. It was the kind they wore in the old days. I think we were arguing about something. He pushed me and I lost my footing. Then, everything went black."

Junsu's words caught the other three's attention and they walked over to listen to him.

"You were fighting?" Changmin sounded surprised, especially given the fact that Junsu's personality was too timid to even be in a conflict with anyone.

"I'm not sure. I remember when I was falling, I saw my own legs. I was wearing black slacks and a pair of matching color dress shoes."

"I think Junsu saw the incident through the victim's eyes," Yunho derived. "Could you give us a description of the man who pushed you?"

"Um..." Junsu tried to recollect. "He was tall with his hair combed back in an old fashion style. His features were very distinct; large eyes, high nose and fair skin. Very handsome."

"Handsome?" Changmin lifted an eyebrow. "What is your definition of handsome, Junsu hyung?"

"I don't know. He was just very...handsome."

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