The night

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I could hear rain falling rapidly and smashing against the windows around me. It was roughly 2am and I was the only one awake in the house, or so I thought. The bed squeaked as I tossed and turned hoping that a comfortable position would come to me eventually. Finally I began to feel tired and my eyes began to droop. Everything was a blur.

I heard a crash and thought nothing of it, after all it was storming. I regret this choice very much, surely anyone else would of got up to make sure that nothing was wrong. I turned to face the wall, this was one of the worst decisions I had made. Our family didn't live in the best area so everything that I did was stupid. The crash and then turning against the wall thinking nothing of it. Stupid.

I heard the door handle twist open and immediately turned towards that area. Now I thought something was wrong but it was too late to do anything. A figure entered the room, of course I couldn't make out any details because everything was a blur. Oh how I wish I would of tried to stay more awake.

I saw them holding something up and it looked like a weapon, a large sharp blade and a long wooden handle is what I could see. With great speed it plunged into my husbands heart and he shot up screaming with agony. I couldn't stand being quiet any longer, tears rolled out of my eyes like a waterfall as I bawled.

Not to my surprise the mysterious figure came closer to me and held their hand over my mouth. It felt so comforting yet I knew it was so wrong as they were obviously about to brutally murder me as well.

I heard the knife swoosh as it hit me right in the heart. I let out a deafening screech. For the last few moments of my life, I began to contemplate what would happen to my daughter, Anastasia. She was a light sleeper so she must of woke up. Maybe she thought nothing of our howls, she was used to it anyway. Questions flowed into my head for example, what if she walks in here and sees our bodies laying here? There would be no explanation for what had happened.

Wine red blood was spilling out of me all over my white bed sheets. I knew my short life was almost finished. I blinked, doing so extremely slowly. For I knew one of these blinks would be my final one. The world I knew fell black, my breathing completely stopped and my body would eventually go blue from lack of red blood in my veins. My life had ended.

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