Chapter 30.

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Chapter 30.

Two days after I had written to Sebastian, he wrote back.


Your name is also very neat also. I have never met another person with such a name. As you might already know, I live in an orphanage home. It's precisely okay if you don't tell me your story, but I would like to share mine.

My mother died when I was only ten years old. She was driving home from work and had a stroke. It paralyzed her and so she got into car accident. She was a lovely woman. My father died just three years ago from cancer. It wasn't the type of cancer you think he had, he smoked tons of cigarettes and he always told me, 'cigarettes don't kill the dying man.' I never understood him when he said that.

Maybe you do?

So I have been in this orphanage home for three years and it has been incredibly boring. We have a learning education center that we all participate in. I don't need it though because I am already to smart to even be in school.

How's it like over there? Please explain. I'm hoping this won't be as glum as it is over here.


I read Sebastian's letter over and over again. I laughed at his question. How is it like over here? I was too happy to tell him how it was, so I wrote back instantly.

Dear Sebastian,

Your words in wisdom aren't that intelligent. I don't mind though. It's a coincidence because I have been in the mental facility for three years also. I was put in here by my parents because they thought I went insane and caused a terrible tragedy that struck the family badly. My parents never really loved me either. They called me a shame when they saw me around the house. You're lucky to have had parents that loved you dearly.

And when your father said 'cigarettes don't kill the dying man.' He means that he has already have had cancer and the cigarettes weren't affecting him at all. But Because his body wasn't capable for any struggle anymore.

That's what he meant. It's cool that you get classes for an education. We don't do that here. We know what we know and just live in here till we turn twenty one and get released. You wouldn't be happy at all over here. Although, the people are sweet but scary scenes happen here.

P.S. I'm sorry that your parents passed. I kind of know how you feel. Don't ask, it's a touchy subject for me to talk about.


Gigi O.

I didn't know what Sebastian looked like but he seemed as interesting as it was to writing to him.

"Is your pen pal cool?" I decided that Elvira took pen pal time the time to talk to me. "Mine is. Him and I love to read,"

"That's nice," I smiled and gave my letter to Alma. She told me to keep my letter from my pen pal. So I did.

I was planning to keep all of them that were soon to come. I stopped and thinked about what would Zayn do if he knew I had a pen pal that was male. Would he make me throw my letters from Sebastian away? Would he be jealous? Would he not care?

I needed to stop thinking about Zayn. I cussed myself out mentally in my head. I exhaled and inhaled and repeated it. Elvira asked me what was wrong. I would tell her nothing was wrong, that I was fine. I wasn't fine though. Apart of me was. It's just missing a person or people so much it hurts. Then it feels like you head will explode from thinking about them all day and all night. And it will all stop until you see them. I knew though that I will never get to see Will or Zayn. I only have Hunter and Elvira. And I will go same if someone takes them away. Elvira and Will have always been with me for the beginning of my time in here. They're family. Hunter is to but Zayn. Zayn. He was something else. Two months have been an adventure with him.

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