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Birdwatching with stanley right now...with beth as well..i watched the birds flew to their nests and branches while stan and beth are having the time of their life, they've been talking and laughing ever since we fucking got here..which might i tell he hasn't even fucking started birdwatching...guess beth might be more important than birds to stan, better yet...beth might be more important than me to stan....

Time skip

"Well....its been two good hours of birdwatching but my mom, she wants me home in a few minutes to go grocery shopping with her later" i told them as they both looked at me in shock..well cause i hadnt even spoke a word ever since we arrived, "o-oh..u-uhm yeah. See you soon i guess" stan said....guess he stutters when he's around beth.."yeah! I'd love to hangout with you again y/n" she said all enthusiastic like while she plastered a huge grin....."yeah bye" i half yelled as i walked back to my bike and pedaled away
Days after, Beth was finally part of the losers club, everyone was happy. Well except me, we called ourselves the losers club for a reason....she has no situations or problems whatsover, she is rich, pretty, smart, and other characteristics of a basic it girl. But i heard rumors about her that she fucks guys for a few days and leaves them....that might be a reason why she is one of us but still...they're just rumors and they dont affect her at all by the looks of her face.....

"Hey stan, erm i was wondering if we can meet up after school, i need to tell you something really important" she asked as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear, at the corner i could see daph glance at us with a look of worry. "Sure, ill see you after school then" i told her as she beamed, minutes later the bell rang so me and y/n walked together since we both have the same class. "So what did beth wanna tell you after school?" She asked as i looked at her, "i dont quite know, ill tell you tomorrow what happens" i told her as she nodded, as i took a quick glance at her, she looked pretty concerned. "Hey...dont worry, ill be ok" i reassured her as she looked up and nodded once more while blushing. I could feel my cheeks turn into a shade of pink but i cared less about it.

Skip time

"Hey beth...so what do you wanted to tell me ?" I asked as i approached her, she was standing near the tree where daph and i always hangout by every after school, but today....i was with beth. "O yeah erm...do you like y/n?" Beth asked as she look down, my heart stops.....what should i tell her...."erm...pft no, why'd you ask?" I asked her. "Oh...well stan, i really like you and i wanted to hangout with you more often.." she shyly said as she's still looking down to the ground. Fuck. I never really liked her more than a friend, but i couldn't reject her in public, it would be a douche of me to do so and it would shatter her heart to pieces, "o-oh...y-yeah s-sure" i hesitantly told her as she looked at me with a huge grin plastered on her face....


Fucking bullshit....i knew he likes her, i told myself as i saw beth confessed to stan and by the looks of his face, he must've like her too, i wish to be happy for them but fuck....it hurts, as to what people say in every cliche movies,"it breaks my heart to see the person you love being with another person whom isnt you" as i watched them being all lovey dovey and shit, i couldnt stand watching them anymore as i ran home, seeing them is not only a nightmare to me but also heartbreaking.....

Few days later

Stan hasnt been talking to me and it made me furious...just because he has a new partner doesn't mean he needs to abandon his own friend....few days past and the losers and i hadn't been with stan since he is probably busy with his new girlfriend. It was silent in our lunch table since we didn't know what to talk about, i was about to speak until two figures approached our table, "h-hey g-gu-guys" stan stuttered as our heads turn to the two figures...beth and stanley..."jeez since when did you became stuttering bill..." richie muttered which earned a small punch in the back by bill and an eye roll from stan..."so guys can we sit?" Beth happily said ignoring bill and richie. Most of us hesitantly nodded...to be honest most of us aren't really used to Beth yet and seeing her with stan makes us really hesitant and concern, by the looks of the other losers' faces...they find stan and beth's relationship, weird....and yes i find it not only weird but heartbreaking too, just as i kept daydreamin someone cleared his throat which was stan himself. "So how are you guys the past few days?" Stan asked us as beth was clinging to stan's side which irritated me. "You would've know when you were with us these past days....", eddie muttered, "look, im sorry, were sorry" stan said as he gestures him and beth, "we were just caught up since we were together now and we hangout as often as we can." Stan said as he held beth's hands. Some of us nodded, while beverly glanced at me to see if i was ok, which my face shows im clearly not...i saw ben was about to speak but then the bell rang which means we have to get to class. We all silently left including me which i had left first and walked to my next period in a fast pace....just as i was about to enter the classroom someone had yelled my name, i glanced at the person who called my name which was...richie? "rich ? Do you need anything?" I asked, "we have the same class right now remember?" He asked as he chuckled..."oh yeah i remember..", we were the only ones in the classroom as we both sat in our seat. "So..about stan.." richie said to break the silence, "oh please...can we not speak of him today, im not in the mood." I said as i stopped my tears from falling. Few minutes passed and students started entering the classroom as well as the teacher.

"Hey Hotstuff!" Richie yelled as he approached me. "What now tozier ?" I asked as i stood up and gather my things..."come on!" Richie said as he took my hand. "What? Where?" I asked, "to the quarry" "again?" "Just come!" I finally agreed to coming to the quarry with richie...


"Im terribly sorry i hadnt updated in a long time..btw since stranger things n IT won in the mtv awards....i will celebrate by eatin a large amount of candy.."

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