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Finally. Lunch, i waited for beverly as she went out of class. "I cannot bare to be inside the classroom for another hour." Beverly muttered as i chuckled. We both made our way to the cafeteria and grabbed our trays. "Hey!" Eddie yelled as he approached us, "where's your loverboy eds?" Beverly asked, laughing. "Ok first off, Richie will never be my loverboy. And second, he likes someone else" he stated as he looked at me. "W-well whoever t-that gi-girl he likes. I f-feel b-bad for them" Bill said as he joined us. "Hey! What are you virgins talking about?" Richie yelled running towards us, "Oh, nothing. Just talking about how small your dick is" i told him as we all laughed. "You know, i appreciate you people talking about my wang, just make sure to talk about how big it is then it'll be interesting." I gagged at his statement as the others made a disgusted look. "Oh by the way. Beth tried to threaten us this morning." Beverly said as she frowned, "That girl is fucking desperate or some shit" Richie said as Eddie nodded. After picking out our lunch, we went to our usual table and started eating. After a while. Mike and ben came in and joined us. Then after, came Stanley....

"Hey...guys" stan muttered as some of us sent him a weak smile while the others slightly waved at him. "Can i still join you?" "S-stan, o-of course y-you can j-join us" Bill said, pointing to the only available seat. Which is right next to mine...

"T-thanks" stan muttered as he sat down. It was silent on our table for a good minutes, the sounds you can only hear are the voices from the other table, "y/n. Can i talk to you later?" Stan whispered as he looked at me, "please?" I sighed as i looked at him. Well, i can't ignore him forever. "Fine.." i whispered back as i took a glance at the other losers, now noticing that they've been staring at me and stan. I rolled my eyes as i flipped them off. Continuing to eat my lunch. After attending all my classes. Dissmissal came and i can finally go home and relax. As i bid goodbye to the other losers, i went out and saw stan waiting for me near a tree. Our spot. I walked towards him, and as he saw me going near, he readjusted his collar and posture. "Look y/n-" "is it true. That you dated Beth out of pity?" I asked as he nodded, "I really didn't wanna act like a douche when she asked me in public." He said as he looked down at my hands. "I-im sorry for being a dick to you. Ever since we met, and when i started dating her..im sorry for this shitty apology. Im usually not the kind of person who apologizes often." He muttered as he looked at me. "Well..atleast you apologized. Friends?" I asked as he hugged me tightly, "actually. I want to be more than friends.." "what?" I pulled away from his hug and looked at him, "Tomorrow morning, i'm going to your place so we can walk together to school, then tomorrow after school. You and me are going over to my place" stan said as he quickly walked to Eddie and Richie. "Okay" i muttered.

"SO..." bev yelled as we're walking home, "Bev, what the hell?" I hissed as i looked around the street. "You are going to disturb some people" i muttered as she rolled her eyes, "What did Stan told you?" She asked ignoring what i previously said. "Well, he apologized and he told me that we are both going to be walking together to school." I told her as i felt my cheeks heating up, "Well, he really must care about you since he never apologizes. One time he accidently hit Richie in the gut and all Stan could ever do was smile" Beverly laughed as she remembered that moment, "i would honestly do the same." "you both are so similar, this is why you're both meant for each other." "But bev. Dont opposites attract?" She stopped walking as i did the same. "Y/n, not ALL opposites attract. I mean, my uncle and aunt were completely opposite, yet last year they finance a divorce. It depends on your heart y/n/n, if the person you like is either the opposite or same as you, what matters is that you will love them and show it to them." Beverly said as she sighed, "wise words Beverly, you should give me advices more often" we both giggled as we continued our walk.


"What the actual fuck do i do?" I was laying on my bed, not knowing how to ask y/n out as Bill and Richie sat on the floor, "just tell her. Hey! I'd love to date you and your ass, or you-" "R-richie t-that is fuc-fucking inappropriate to s-say to a g-girl" "psh, like you would know big bill. You've been with young molly ringwald for a year-" "shut it you two! I need to talk to her once we walk together to school tomorrow. But i don't know what to tell her.." "just ask h-how her d-day w-was or t-talk about b-birds" Richie stood up as he looked at me, "Stan my man, any girl would rather die than to hear you talking about your bird stalking stories-" "its bird watching you imbecile!" I groaned as i realised how Richie is useless. "Literally just talk to the girl man, i mean. What else can you do while walking with her to school, i don't think walking while fuc-" "B-beep beep R-richie!" Bill yelled, probably annoyed already. "I should probably ask beverly instead, she knows y/n more than i do" "shocking.." Richie said as i rolled my eyes, "s-she's probably still wi-with her right now, y-you should t-try ca-calling her later." Bill said as i sat up, "don't worry buddy, we'll be behind every bush when you need us. We'll be your wingman!" "One. I don't need you both spying over us. And two, i also don't need a wingman or two!"


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