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As we reached our destination, me and bev were greeted by eddie and the trashmouth, we all went to our locker and grab what we needed, as i closed my locker i saw stan and beth by their lockers giggling and shit, as i noticed this for a whole minute, i kept seeing stan taking a second glance at me a few times....weird, as i was about to say something to bev, the bell rang." I have to go, i'll see you later daph!" Bev yelled as she ran to class.

I then went to first period

"Hey y/n/n can i talk to you for a bit ?" A figure asked behind me, as i turned around and was greeted by beth herself, "uh...sure?" I looked over at richie and eddie as they nodded and ran off to class, "so beth, can i help you with anything ?" I asked, she gave me this glare which really confused me, "do you, uhm, i dont know like someone in this school? Someone who's already taken ?" She asks.... " "N-none..what are you talking about ?" I asked, as she was about to speak, the second bell rang which made me ran to class...thank god for the bell, as i entered the classroom..i was safe, until i saw stan, shit....i remembered, stan and i have the same class at this hour.....as i walked to my seat i glanced at stan, which i might have guessed that he's been staring at me.....weird, "pst, hey..", i turned my head to see eddie, oh yeah, i also have the same class with him for this hour, "eddie?" "Richie is going to host a fucking party cause he said he wanted to...socialize with other people..." eddie said as he rolled his eyes, "since when did richie care about socializing with others?" "When he meant socialize with other people he probably meant socializing with other girls.." eddie said as he stiffled a laugh, "oh yeah right" i snorted, i could still see stan staring at me from the corner of my eye which disturbs me but still continued to "listen" to the teacher...

Skip time

"SO...ya comin to my royal party?" Richie said in a british accent as he slung his arm around me while we head to next period, "i guess, i mean i have nothing to do later after dissmissal" i said as we went to my locker, "great, that means you can mingle around and fuck with other lads instead of mr. jewish dick" richie said as he snorted while i gagged, "oh please richie, first of all, im not going to mingle around and start fucking every other guys BECAUSE i am only 14 and i had never ever gotten laid with a guy INCLUDING stan and thats how i wanna keep it" i rambled as i got my books, "yeah right, why wouldnt you wanna be a non-virgin like me?" Richie asked as we walked to our next class, "yeah right" i said, "it's true!..." i rolled my eyes as i dragged him inside the classroom
"Arent you going to eat your lunch ?" Bev asked as she helped bill settle their lunch on the table, "a-are y-y-ou s-still up-s-set about s-tan?"bill asked, "pffttt, me ? No im no-" "hey friends!" Beth yelled as she sat beside me along with stan by her other side, "hey bitch" richie whispered as ben kindly waved at her. Being the obidient one in the group, "SO, guys, i was wondering if yall can come to my party later tonight, but you can come to my house after dissmissal if you wanna help me set it up, of course i had invited other people to make the party more enjoyable, also my fucking parents are out of town so i have the house to myself for three days" richie said as he took a bite of his chips after his long ass speech, "of course hotstuff right here would like to help me after school?" Richie added, which caused beth to blush, "so y/n, wanna help me ?" Richie asked which caused beth and stan to scoffed, "sure, i'd love to" i said as i see stan from the corner of my eye getting tensed and angry over something, "So y/n/n.." i scoffed as she gave me a stupid nickname, "answer my question, do you like anyone here in school EVEN though he is taken from someone else?" Beth asked with an evil smirk, that bitch, "well i-SO I HEARD YOU LIKE RICHIE" bev interrupted which caused me to choke and which caused richie to spit his soda, "w-wait what ?" Richie asked as bev whispered somethin to bill then bill whispered somethin to richie which caused richie to smirk, "oh yeah, I HEARD YOU LIKE ME?" Richie asked as he winked, i decided to play along since i never wanted to confess that i like -ahem- ,"u-uh yeah...how did you know?" I mumbled but loud enough for most of us to hear, trying to sound convincing, "you know what..me and beth will be getting to class early" stan angrily said as he dragged beth with him, "you should've seen his fucking face!" Richie laughed as well as the others, including ben, "oh c'mon, he's just probably annoyed because of how loud you were" i said "yeah right, he's totally into you and your oblivious ass" eddie said as i rolled my eyes, "yeah right he has a girlfriend REMEMBER?", everyone in the table except me started whispering something, then looked at me after, what the fuck did i do now? "MAKE sure to come with us after school to richie's house..REMEMBER" beverly said as they all nodded, "okok i know, i have nothing better to do anyways" i said as everyone suddenly left leaving me alone...wow such good friends
(Yes..updated for the first time ;)))

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