Chapter 3

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I stand in the background with my arms crossed. The press keeps asking questions and Raiko keeps blaming everything on Korra. No one seems to mind that he just casually blames the Avatar for everything because he obviously doesn’t know what to do either. I care though. Just because he can’t do anything about the situation does mean he gets to blame it on Korra. He’s a jerk and I really don’t like him. At all. My ears perk up as things start to take an interesting turn.

“President Raiko. Are you aware that the Avatar stole a police issued motorcycle this morning?” One reporter asks.

“I was not aware of that, but I’ll look into it.” Raiko says with a pointed glare at me.

“Are you aware that it was Assistant Chief Beifong’s motorcycle?” The same reporter asks.

“I was not.”

“Are you aware that Assistant Chief Beifong is now dating the Avatar?”

 “I wasn’t aware of that, no.”

“What are you going to do about the situation?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll handle it.”

“Is it right for the Avatar to get away with breaking the law because of her status?”

“It most certainly isn’t.”

The reporter keeps flinging questions at Raiko and the other reporters start to join in. Raiko starts to get frustrated and I can tell that this isn’t going to end well. Aunt Lin looks at me from the other side of the platform. We both know that this isn’t going well. Hopefully Raiko ends it before anything happens…

“Assistant Chief Beifong is, as of this moment, fired for failure to act in this situation. This conference is over.” Raiko says.

I clinch my jaw and stand as still as I can as Raiko walks past me. Aunt Lin takes me by the shoulder and walks me away as the crowd starts to clear. She keeps a grip on me until we’re out of sight, then she lets go of my shoulder. When she lets go of me, I turn around and grab the reporter that started this whole thing.

“Who told you all of that?” I ask trying not to punch him in his big mouth.

“A reporter never reveals their source,” he starts, “but I’ll tell you who it was if you put me down!” He says as I lift him into the air.

“Talk. Who. Now.”

“The call came from the police station.”

“Not good enough.”

“I don’t know who it was.”

I lift the guy back into the air. “Okay! Okay! It was Officer Tai!”

The Truth Is... (Korra/OC and a Korrasami Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now