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Your POV ~

"(Y/n).... (y/n).... it's time to wake up...." Ethan was gently nudging my shoulder. Ethan was someone I had liked from when we first met. He welcomed me to the group in a friendly manner. The others seemed to scared of what mark and Tyler might do to say anything. I really don't like that mark guy. He seems like a dick.

I stretched and smiled at Ethan.

"Morning Ethan" I smiled. He smiled back at me.

"Morning" I pulled on my boots and attempted to finger comb my hair only for it to get stuck in a matt. I heavily sighed. Sean and Wade were looking at the map. There was a red circle down south, I'm assuming that's where the other group is.

"What's the problem?" I ask

"There's a river blockin' the way, it stretches right from the west to the east...." Sean said, I looked at the map for anyway to overcome come the problem.

"Well if we head about south east...." I draw a line with my finger on the map

"We should come across a coniferous woodland. A tree May of fallen over the river, or because it's woodland it's more than likely that there will be some sort of dam there that would've been naturally made by wood debris. And if none of that works I can just cut a tree down with my axe as a bridge!" I say smiling and comically swing my axe over my shoulder. The other two looked at me surprised

"What? something I said?"

"No just... I could never of come up with a plan like that" Wade quietly spoke.

"Not even mark could come up with something like that!" Sean said a little too loudly for me to bear. I covered my ears slightly in a joking manner.

"Ah sorry lassie, it's a bad habit" he smiled. I laughed.

"I've got to admit when I first saw you on top of that waterfall I couldn't decide whether the bright green hair was good or bad camouflage. I called you a tennis ball in my head" Sean and Wade both laughed tremendously.

"What's going on?" Mark strode over, probably thinking he was all high 'n' mighty and whatever.

"Oh nothing Mark, just something (y/n) said, but on that topic (y/n) came up with a brilliant idea for how to overcome the river!" Sean explained what I had told him to mark.

"It would delay us by a day, we wouldn't reach the river until tomorrow, I don't thin-"

"You see any other way smart arse?!" I snap at him, he's quiet for a moment, I think I shocked him a bit... he looks deep into my (e/c) eyes, his chocolate brown ones seem lost for a moment.

"Hey! you listening Mr I-know-everything?" I snap my fingers in front of him

"Yes I am, I-I was just thinking. We need to be at the forest by at least noon tomorrow, if not we keep walking straight to the river and try get across by swimming" I looked at him as if he was mad

"Swimming?! You do know that this river is probably one of the widest and fastest flowing rivers Ive ever seen?!"

"Well better hope your plan works then." And with that he walked off. Yep I hate him even more now.

Marks POV~

What the hell was that?! What the hell just happened, I was just so caught up in her eyes. I hadn't noticed they were such a brilliant (e/c)...! What am I doing! I need to focus! I have a team to keep alive. I take a deep breath and talk to Tyler about the plan.

Your POV~

Time skip~

We left the house at about ten in the morning, making our way towards the river. Hopefully we get there by tomorrow afternoon. I was given half of the teams amo as part of the deal. I was walking at the front with the dick mark and Ethan. Ethan was sweet, he was definitely my favourite of the group. I was talking to him about my old life. Before the Zs came.

"I used to be a musician" I told him, he seemed pleased by this confession.

"That's so cool! What did you play?" He inquisitively asked. I saw mark discreetly listening to me out of the corner of my eye. Ah, the best part about being me: boasting like a bitch.

"Oh I only play a few instruments. I play piano, guitar, ukulele, saxophone, violin, melodica, steel pans and I sing, singing and piano are the top ones." mark stood there in silence; wide eyed, while Ethan just seemed to sweat drop. Yup. Never gets old. I chuckled to myself.

"W-well... sure beats us! What did you do with all that talent?!" Ethan stuttered.

"I did lots of concerts but I had a stage name instead so I could have a normal life and a musician life"

"What was your stage name?" Ethan inquired

"(Made up stage name of your choice) you probably wouldn't of heard of it"

"What!!! Seriously?! I would listen to your music all the time. I loved your song one day" Mark says shocking me slightly.

"Hm... so he speaks. It's great to meet a fan." I outstretched my hand to shake it. At first he's cautious but takes my friendly greeting. Maybe I needed to start it over with mark. We continue to talk about my career:

"well you'll never guess how I killed my first Z.... I impaled it's head with the neck of my ukulele!" I laughed loudly while the two just became more concerned about my mental state.

"Don't worry guys I'm completely sane, can't see how I am though in this world... any way enough about me, what about you guys? You guys some kind of comedy squad or something?" Ethan smirked.


"No way! I'll have to trust my instincts more."

"We are Youtubers" mark says.

"I think I know what that is, I only used it for music really. What were your YouTube names? I might just recognise them."

"Well I was Markiplier, Ethan was crankgamesplay, Sean: jacksepticeye, Wade: lordminion777"

"I recognise the jacksepticeye one and marky-thingy. I've heard the other names flung around" I hummed.

"I must say I'm impressed; that you knew who we are" mark smirked.

"I'm not that stupid dumbass" I lightly punch his shoulder. Maybe mark isn't as bad he seems...


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