The continuation

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"How about we finish that game of truth or dare?"
As soon as those words left Shiro's mouth I nearly bolted. God dam Matt and his stupid antics of making Lance come and... that happen. I shrugged my shoulders like I hadn't just tried to kill myself and sat a little too close to Lance. Man I could get really clingy.

On the screen wrote the words
Pidge, truth or dare?
Alright, let's see where this goes
Pidge yelled out with the same enthusiasm as at the beginning of the game.
I dare you to make Shiro do your make up
We all giggled. Shiro has been known as space Dad and he only knew how to do one thing slightly space-Dad-makeupy, eyeliner. This was going to be interesting. Allura went to her room and grabbed armfuls of makeup for Shiro to use and we all gathered around in a circle to see how this was going to go down.

Pidge looked absolutely scared while watching Shiro look confusedly at the multiple brushes, containers, and accessories before finally picking up a eyeliner tool (idk what they're called). Shiro expertly applies the eyeliner onto Pidge, making her look like a mini Shiro, and stood up.
He shouted a little too nervously. Pidge sighed in relief but the rest of us were annoyed. That whole process for two measly wings?! Bullshit.
Allura, truth or dare?
Do you have a crush on one of the paladins? If so, which one?
Everyone immediately looked at space Dad expectantly while Shiro looked at the ground fiddling with his fingers.
"U-uh, Yeah. I have a crush on one of the paladins... it's... Shiro"
Allura said the last word so quietly so the only ones who could hear it had to be right next to her and leaning in, which I was doing. Pidge had heard it too because at the same time we gasped, shored a look, and shouted out
Before running out of the room and into the hallway, in which we profusely fell down laughing out asses off. After about ten full minutes of laughing, we went back inside the now completely chaotic central room.
Lance had somehow made it up to the room and was dangling from a newly installed chandelier, Hunk was silently counting with his fingers and trying to figure out if this was pedophilia or something, Shiro was blushing like crazy and had a strange look in his eye, Coran was being fabulous and was sporting a fluffy pink scarf, five inch heels, a bright pink hat, and starry sunglasses saying 'BAD ASS' on it, and Allura was the sane one trying to stop everyone from destroying everything.

On the other side of the screen, Matt was laughing his ass off.

Being the natural goofballs that we are, Pidge and I joined in the chaos.

By the end of the night, Allura and Shiro had been illegally married, and done some "stuff", Pidge was slowly drowning in whipped cream and chocolate syrup, Hunk was asleep on the table surrounded by hundreds of eared pies, Lance had found spray paint and wrote on the roof in big red letters "WHEN I SAY VOL- YOU SAY TRON. VOL-
-VOLTRON?" Then a series of profanities, Shiro has found Alluras secret stash of eyeliner which he had no idea about and had covered himself in doodles that soon followed with the rest of us joining in, and I was completely wasted, shirtless, and had multiple things stuck in multiple places (use your imagination😏).

I think our game of truth of dare is over, but sure was it fun.

I think I might like to play this again sometime...

Author here! Let me just say that it was so much fun writing this and that I'll probably write a second part to this along with a few extras like what Lance did to Keith when he went to talk to him or how the central room had gotten so crazy to begin with. Yeah, I'll do something like that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this short story of how I think the paladins would play truth or dare in a really angsty situation and I'll see you in the next story

If I get around to it🤫🤗

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