Chapter 1

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There was an idea. To bring a group of remarkable people...

In New York, the Avengers are just chilling in the New Avengers Facility. While Peter is walking through his school, prepared on what life has brought him. Then, suddenly. He is now in the front of his school. And, saw Doctor Strange.

"I just saw you walking. Just tried to make you walk faster." Strange said.

Peter smiled. "Thanks." They shook hands and Strange created a portal going to the New York Sanctum. As Peter walks through the doors. Everyone's looking at him. He probably know why. Since, he announced to the public that he's Spiderman.

"SUP, PETER PARKER!" Flash shouted. "You said my name right?" Peter said in confusion. Then, Flash hugged him. "Thank you for saving the team." He and Peter then hi-fived and walked away. When Peter opened his locker, he heard a familiar voice.

He turned around and saw Michelle. "Hey." Michelle greeted. "Hey." Peter smiled. "So, after all this time. You're Spiderman?" Michelle said. Peter nodded, "Yeah. I'm him. I shoot webs and guard New York." Michelle smiled.

"So do you really have superpowers? Or, it all comes from the suit?" She asked. "Well, the webs came from the suit and other technology stuff. But, the rest like crawling through walls and this Spider-sense and all that stuff. I had those when I'm bit by a radioactive spider." Peter explained.

"That's awesome." Michelle pat his back. "You're not a loser after all." Michelle said then left. Ned then came, "Bro. You're awesome now." He then hugged Peter. "I'm really shocked when your Aunt May said you died. But thanks to the Avengers you're here again." Ned said.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. That man, Happy said that I need to give you this. It came from Tony, he said." Ned then showed a small, gray ball. It doesn't have anything at all. Just looks like a plain, gray ball. "What's that?" Peter asked. "Happy said, it's like a computer. It tells you if trouble comes and you can call the Avengers with it. It also can be turned into as a face or body scanner. But, it is used mostly in government stuff. About your private information, I think." Ned explained.

"Whoa, cool." Peter grabbed the computer ball. I'm gonna thank Tony for this." Peter said in joy. Then, the bell rang. "Okay, Ned. Let's go." Then the two walked into their History classroom.

~New Avengers Facility~

The Avengers are jogging. While, the Guardians are having breakfast. "Wow. I missed this." Peter Q. said as he enjoys pancakes and waffles. "This is so much better that I expected!" Gamora shouted. After, some time. Their computer balls start to glow red. The remaining Avengers came. "Guys, there's something happening." Tony said.

~Midtown High School~

Peter's computer ball start to glow red which caught the class's attention. The ball then start to float and projected holograms. "Unknown robbers start to rob several stores in New York. The counts of the robbers start to increase. They are also shown to be pretty strong and can inflict damage among others without hesitation." The computer said. "Peter, go. Save the city" The teacher said then Peter nodded.

~New York, New York~

Several police cars start to roam the city as the robbers rob stores. From, clothing, to books, to retail, and to illegal stores. A robber ran with mechanical parts that he stole then Iron Man landed in the front of him. "Hey, dude. You should put those down. The other robbers came and looked at Tony. "Oh, you wanna fight?" He asked. Then Spiderman and Doctor Strange came. The Guardians came also. Then the others. They all nodded at once.

"Weird. They're like robots." Peter exclaimed. They put the things that they stole on the ground then immediately ran into the group.

They all started fighting. Wanda and Pietro returning all of the stolen things to the respective owners. The Guardians blocking the robbers in order to not escape. And, the rest punched the robbers in the face. It all started simple and the Avengers are winning. Then, a robber punched Captain America which sends Captain America flying until he hits a row of parked cars.

They all stared at Steve. How could Steve be punched like that? Hulk is also defeated and got thrown in the air by one female child, who also stole a supermarket. Doctor Strange is also confused as his magic doesn't work on the other robbers. Same as Peter, as his webs don't stick into the robbers.

"Guys-" Peter then got punched and they all start to become overpowered. Wanda can't also use her powers on them. And, the robbers can stop Pietro immediately. Scott is also beaten to the ground even as he tried his best to defeat them.

Tony then shot a man in the head with his blasters and then everyone stopped doing their actions when the man is shot. The man collapsed then a red beam travelled from his lower body to his head, then disappeared. The Avengers became confused, then all of the robbers also disappeared when a red beam travelled from their lower body to their head. They all stared at each other. From shock.

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