Chapter 14

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Pietro opened his eyes, glowing yellow. He got up from the bed and looked at Mark, blankly. "What is it?" Pietro asked. Mark can hear that their is no emotion on how he says it. Almost like, he made him a robot. "Let's kill some bad guys, you want?" Mark said. Pietro nodded, "Who are the bad guys?" Pietro asked.

Mark looked at him and gave him a blaster gun, "The Avengers". The two then teleported to the facility. A guard spotted them.

"There!" The guard shouted. Several guards came rushing and then pointed the guns at Mark at Pietro. Mark just smirked and his eyes start to glow green. Suddenly, a green flash of light scattered throughout the area and then time froze. Pietro then ran into the guards and even punched some of them. Mark start walking and then resumes time. The guards then got threw in the air and some snapped their necks, on how the impact of the punch of Pietro reacts to the time when it's frozen.

Pietro ran around the area and killed all of the guards there. While Mark went inside. There, he found a worker of Tony Stark. The woman ran off and start to call Tony Stark.

"Come on... come on." The woman mumbled to herself as she calls her boss.

After seconds, Tony answered.


"Mr. Stark! He's here! HE'S HERE!" The woman shouted through the phone.

"Oh, my god. Ho-" The phone then got destroyed by a purple ball of energy that also sent the woman flying then hitting her back in a concrete wall. She groaned in pain and struggled to stand up.

Mark walked near her, "Where are the information balls of the Avengers?" Mark asked as if he was just waiting for her.

"I-I'm not gonna tell you." The woman said in pain.

Mark nodded and then gripped his hand on her neck. He then gripped it tighter. "One last chance. Where are the information balls?" He asked while shaking her head lightly. The woman cried and decided to tell it, "In the lab. T-Tony's l-lab." The woman cried. Mark then looked at her right arm and saw a gun pointed at him.

The woman shot her but Mark's head went back to normal. Mark chuckled while the woman gasped in shock and tried to escape his grip, but it was no use. "Pathetic." Mark mumbled and then her eyes start to glow orange. The woman looked at him and then her eyes start to glow orange as well. Suddenly, the woman starts to scream as if she is in pain and then start to freak out. After a few seconds, a glowing orange ball came out of the woman's eyes and then went to Mark's mouth. Mark swallowed the soul, eating it and destroying it at the same time. He let go of the woman's soulless body and then the body crumbled to dust.

Pietro came and Mark flinched, "Jesus, you scared me." Mark said. Pietro didn't react since he is mind-controlled and they walked to Tony's lab. "What a beautiful lab." Mark looked around and saw the machines that Tony Stark created. "Let's give it a renovation." Mark's eyes start to glow blue and then everything start to move. The posters and the hanged blueprints flew around the room. Objects in shelves start to be pulled out and tables and chairs got thrown in the air. After some time, Mark stopped and saw a hidden drawer. He walked onto the drawer and the info balls. Mark made his hand intangible in the hard glass and got the info balls.

He then extracted the information from the balls and then destroyed it. Mark also hid Pietro's glowing eyes and turned it to normal.

"Let's go." Mark created a portal and Pietro and Mark walked in.

~London, England~

Tony and Nick already got the suits and the weapons back. But with improvements. T'Challa's suit is still made of nanotech but the suit but the lens for the eyes can get information on the people that can be seen in the view of the lens. Peter's suit got upgraded and have unlimited web supply and also have exactly 1000 web kinds, solutions, combos, and functions. Clint's bow have magnets that can control arrows through Clint's mind through a magnetic brain sensor. While, the other suits and weapons is still the same. Suddenly, wind start to blow and knock things off. "His here." Wanda said. The portal opened and she saw Pietro and Mark.

"Hey, guys!" Mark greeted them joyfully. But, they didn't care. Their eyes are locked on Pietro. He is alive. Mark got him. Wanda start walking to Pietro. "Brother..." Wanda is about to wrap her arms to him but Pietro punches her in the face, making Wanda squeal in tears. "How can you do this? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO HIM!" Wanda yelled but it's too late.

Mark created a portal and threw the bed he made to Wanda and then teleported back. He also removed his control in Pietro, turning him back to normal. Pietro blinked several times and shook his head and saw his sister, crying.

"Wanda. Sis.-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Wanda shouted with her hands full of scarlet energy.

Pietro is heartbroken. The sister he loves the most and the only person that stayed with him throughout their life, tried to avoid him. That's in his mind. But, the Avengers knew on what Mark did to him. "Hey, Wanda it's okay now. He is just brainwashed." Steve said. Wanda, still crying. Immediately wrapped her arms around him.

"Actually, that's not the only thing that came back to life." Tony said.

Wanda looked at him, confused.

"Hi." Wanda noticed the voice. It's like robotic and the voice have a mild British accent.

Wanda turned around and saw Vision, normal and well. Also, have the Mind Stone in his forehead. Wanda ran to him and kissed him. The Avengers smiled since Wanda got her happy life back. After some time, they all planned their battle of Mark. "Remember, we can't give him the Infinity Stones because he can use it to destroy us. Even though he have powers, because again. We have backup if we still got the stones. And, he will destroy any backup as possible." Tony said this as if this is their final battle. Mark is a powerful kid. You can't just punch him in the face.

"Do you think he have a weak spot or a... weakness?" Steve asked.

"Actually, he have one. And, this is also on why he fight us brutally." Nick said. Everyone looked at him, "Really? What is it." Tony asked.

"We unintentionally killed his whole family." Nick said.


A/N: Okay, guys. This is the third to the last chapter. I know. I wish I can get this story longer... but this story will almost be finished. Why? Because, I'm excited to write the next story! I already got the story timeline right, the book cover (Go to UPCOMING BOOK!!!), and I'm also having writer's block on this story. So, I made it short as possible. So, guys. That's all for today. Stay tuned...

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