Chapter 5

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Don't do anything I will do...

"You know the child?" Tony asked.

"Yes. I did some research. The only thing is... I can't find the child's name." She said.

"The name?" Tony said in disbelief.

"Yeah. But, I got the child's gender, nationality, some of his physical properties, and even his powers that he always use." She said.

"Explain it to us." Tony said.

Pepper stood up, "F.R.I.D.A.Y., Show my latest research file." She said.

Numbers of files then appeared at the blank, dirty, white wall.

"Okay, so the greatest source to find is from the missing children posters. I ordered every AI and User Interfaces we have to search and find any posters of missing children from the day Thanos left when he tried to battle us. It's 8 AM at that time and 2 hours later, missing children posters are stated in some of the police departments around the world. But, a missing child case at that time went into the news of the Philippines.-"

She showed a news clip from a Filipino news show of the case

" Meaning, that the child is probably Filipino. Some surveillance footage captured the incident and look at that,-"

The surveillance footage shows a male child. Which is in the front of a blurred figure of Thanos. Thanos held the child from his shoulder and led him into a blue portal. Probably, leading to his spaceship.

"Since the only camera that can get video evidence is an angle where we can't see the child's face. I scanned his height, hair, and even on how old he is, through his height. His height is about 5'9 ft and his hair is black and curly. He's height can tell that he is a teenager. Probably about 15-16 of age." She explained.

"So, he is like old as me." Peter stated.

"Yeah, probably." Pepper said.

"So, he's Filipino, about 15-16, quite tall, have black and curly hair." Steve summarized.

"The only thing is... why did he attacked me and my aunt?" Peter asked.

"I think it's because I tried to call you. But, I don't know I'm calling your aunt." Pepper thought.

Peter nodded. And start to list down the properties of the theorized child.

"How about the powers that he currently use?" Gamora asked.

"Oh. Yeah. I almost forgot." Pepper said. "From, the powers he used against us. He always create illusions, create clones, and even can control anything. The clones sometimes glow red and when he moves objects it glows blue." Pepper explained.

"So, he always use the Space Stone and the Reality Stone's powers." Nebula added. Everyone stared at her. "Just saying." She added.

"Okay, that's probably enough. Let's take some rest. Peter you can now go home. Sorry, we can't talk about your aunt. Peter." Tony said.

Everyone went into their respective rooms and Peter went home.

~Wanda's Room~

She took out a picture of her and Vision. Wanda start to tear up. "I will not give you up." She said and kissed the picture. She start to cry and placed the picture inside of her drawer. Then, Steve came in. "Hey." Steve then recognized her crying. She looked away.

 "Are you okay?" He asked. She shook her head. He then came near her. "It's about Vision right?" He said. She start to cry even more. "I miss him." She cried. Steve pat her shoulder. "We're gonna defeat that kid. He's just a kid. After we defeated him we can get the Time Stone and use it. Okay?" Steve said. "The boy have infinite power." Wanda mentioned. Steve smiled a little bit. "Just think positive." He said. He then left the room and closed the room. She waited until his footsteps fade out.

Then, she took up the picture but the picture is changed into a plain, white picture with the text written, "MISS HIM?". She started to cry again as the picture is the only remembrance she have. After some time, she then turned off her lamp and saw a hooded figure. She then turned on the lamp immediately and spread her arm out with the scarlet energy glowing. No one was there. She looked at the picture, the picture is brought back to normal. But, the message can be visible in the back of the picture.

She start to become scared and she looked around. She then sleeps with the picture in her pocket and with the lamp on. As she closed her eyes, and immediately slept. 

Blue energy start to travel from the switch of the lamp and the lamp turned off.

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