Chapter 8

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To feel... so desperate in winning. Yet, to fail... all the same.

~Midtown High School~

Peter came to Ned, who's with Michelle, and Flash. "Hey, guys." Peter smiled at them. "Hey, Parker." Flash pat his shoulder. Peter checked the time, it's 8:57 AM. "Shoot. Umm... can I talk to you guys in a private area?" Peter asked.

His friends agreed and they walked into the Decathlon Meeting Room. He took out a small, metal box.

"So, this is a communicator. It communicates with me and the Avengers." Peter explained.

~New Avengers Facility~

"Okay. So, last night. Something happened. Notecards are given to some of the Avengers and they have some insults and we think it came from Thanos's child. And, we think that... he sends those cards to tell us that he is ready to fight. And, we will fight him." Tony said to the Avengers.

Peter Q. raised his hand. "Yes, Quill." Tony called him. "How do you know we will fight him through insults?" He asked.

"Oh. Because their are secret messages on the insults. We knew the location to where were gonna fight and the time through some puzzle-solving. And, by giving us insults. It means that he is making us angry so we can fight him." Tony explained.

"How about his name?" Peter Quill asked.

"We still don't know it yet. But, right now. We're complete. Spidey-boy is already at the location. Let's g-" Tony is interrupted by someone.

"Actually don't go yet." A hooded man shouted outside. He walked in and removed his hood from his head.

It was Clint.

"Clint?" Tony said. Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Wanda, and James came near to him and hugged him.

"Why did you came here?" Steve asked.
Clint's smile faded immediately.

They all looked at him.

"What is it?" Natasha asked.

"I... I'm trying... to get over from it. My family... they are kidnapped." Clint said.

"What?" Tony said.

"Yeah, you know who? That kid your gonna fight right now." Clint explained. They all looked each other.

"He kidnapped my family after I said 'No' several times to him. Since, he wants me to join him." Clint said.

Tears start to roll down on Clint's face.

"So, I decided to join you guys." Clint added.

"Well, you guys are lucky." Clint said. The Avengers looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"I know his face and his name." Clint said.

~Back to Midtown~

"Wait, that kid will go here and fight you guys?!" Michelle freaked out.

"Yeah. That's why I'm telling you this because I want you guys to evacuate the school." Peter said.

Then the communicator start to lighten up in the middle of the table. And shows the face of Tony.

"Peter... Peter, can you hear me?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, I'm here with my friends so they can help me. Why?" Peter said.

"Peter! We know who is the kid! We found out who he is!" Tony shouted.

Peter's friends became excited and leaned closer.

"Who is it?" Peter asked.

"He is a student in Midtown. His name is Mark Terrilo." Tony said.

Peter and his friends became quiet in shock.

"Peter? Peter!-"

"Yeah, yeah. I-I can hear you... Mr. Stark-k" Peter said nervously.

"Okay. Tell your friends and the whole school to get out of there immediately! We're going to your school now!" Then the hologram disappeared. Peter then grabbed the communicator,

"Let's go. We need to move, hurry!" Peter shouted. They all stood up.

"No wonder why did he went here." Ned said.

Peter opened the door and they all stopped when they saw Mark standing with his arms crossed.

"I've been waiting for you guys." Mark smiled.

He start to walk slowly and Peter and his friends start to walk back into the room. Peter immediately locked the door and knocked down the shelves into the door. He can see his friends' fear.

"You see. Peter you are so predictable." Mark glowed red and he came through the door and the shelves. Peter prepared his web-shooters.

"And, stupid as well." Mark smirked.

Peter threw a web at him but green energy surrounded Peter's arms as well as the web.

"See. Predictable." Mark then start to create a ball of purple energy and threw it at the school bell. Then the school bell exploded and it freaked out the students in the hallway. Then, the school starts evacuating.

Peter tried his best to move his time frozen arms but its impossible.

"So, Tony gave something to you as well as the other Avengers. It's what I call Info Balls. But, you call them. Computer balls." Mark said.

His friends stood still in fear. Trying to figure out what to do. "What are you gonna do with it?" Peter asked in anger.

"I'm gonna collect those little balls. Because, the info balls are like keys.If the government denies or accidentally framed you at a case. You can use it in order to get out or to be accused at any case and situation. And, when the balls are given, there will be no excuses. And, it should not be a fake one. Or else, the person who offered the ball will be arrested. I need those balls in order for you guys to be arrested for life and you will all die in maximum prison." Mark explained.

"We're powerful. They can't handle us." Peter mocked him.

"Oh, Karma for you. I'm the one who will put you in the cage." Mark said.

"Now, while we wait for the dumbasses to arrive. Give me your info ball." Mark said.

"No." Peter said confidently.

Mark then made a serious look. He smirked in a dark way. "No? Okay." Mark's hands start to glow and a portal appeared from above and then Aunt May appeared from the portal and fell. "Aunt May!" Peter's eyes start to swell. "Peter?" Aunt May looked at him in confusion.
Mark lifted Aunt May with the blue energy surrounding. Then, Mark grabbed a pen. Red energy flows through the pen then it starts to become longer... and sharper. It transformed into a knife.

"Now. Give me the ball, Peter." Mark said.

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