Chapter 4 - Clavoxie Day

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Roxie POV

"Why do I let you guys talk me into this shit every year?" I mumble as I slowly make my way to the stage.

"Its the spirit of Clavoxie Day and its our sworn pact so don't go saying we talked you into this" Clarisse fires back while Ava claps her hands in glee.

Clavoxie Day - an afternoon or evening spent with my weirdo friends that consists of specific tasks that occurs on the first day of school ending in a slumber party. The list of tasks have increased with a new task being added each year of our friendship. We do have the option of doing some tasks during the day however documented proof is required.

Task 1 - Get one scoop of each flavoured ice cream from Polly's and eat it within 30 minutes.
First place we stopped directly after school as Ava was dying for what she likes to call her Avalicious - so check.

Task 2 - Get a beverage from Starbucks at the mall's foodcourt and see how many peoples numbers you can get in an hour *you need to get at least one*. Second place we went to, directly after Polly's which I absolutely hate and only just managed to complete - thanks to running into Julia, an old neighbour that used to live across the road from me.  A number is a number so that gets a check too.

Task 3 - Steal or 'Borrow' an important item of someone and take a selfie in a restricted area.
Thank you Dylan Malcovich for being an absolute douche so I 'borrowed' your silver key and left it in the teachers supply cupboard along with a generous package for the teachers.  Let's just say the package was something neither Dylan or the teachers could forget.

Task 4 - Surprise your friends with something odd
For Ava I got a blue lace agate pendant and Mug Cake & Cheat Bake cookbook which I've slipped into her bag.  For Clarisse I got a sodalite emerald pendant and cat butt magnet that I put into her locker earlier. For Lucas I got a amethyst cacoxenite pendant and pick up line pencils that I put in his gym bag when I swiped Dylan's key.

And our new task added this year thanks to Ava, is to sing a love song at Jerry's which brings us to my current predicament. Its not that I can't sing or anything, I think I have an decent voice. I just hate being the center of attention. Luckily for me today is Tuesday which is a slow night for Jerry's, so besides our little group which consists of Ava, Risse, Jane, Lucas, Brendon and Chuck, there are only 4 other people present.

"I hate you guys" I mutter as the opening chords of Dive are heard over the speakers

"We love you too" they scream back cheering while laughing.

Maybe I came on too strong
Maybe I waited too long
Maybe I played my cards wrong
Oh, just a little bit wrong
Baby I apologize for it

I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I've been known to give my all
And jumping in harder than
Ten thousand rocks on the lake

So don't call me baby
Unless you mean it
Don't tell me you need me
If you don't believe it
So let me know the truth
Before I dive right into you

You're a mystery
I have travelled the world, there's no other girl like you
No one, what's your history?
Do you have a tendency to lead some people on?
'Cause I heard you do, mm

I could fall, or I could fly
Here in your aeroplane
And I could live, I could die
Hanging on the words you say
And I've been known to give my all
And lie awake, everyday don't know how much I can take

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