Chapter Four: The Meet

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We'd agreed that he would meet me at that Starbucks the next day after my school day had ended and after he settled into his hotel room. He said his mom was coming to meet him in a week or so, so today, he was all mine. It was weird to think about. I spent my day wondering what kind of person I'd stumble across.

Of course, being me, I had a few fantasies that I'd be meeting the real Luke Hemmings today; even though I knew there was no way in hell that could even begin to be possible. Like I said countless times before; I've never been that lucky.

When I got up this morning, I decided to dress up for the coffee meeting later that day. I felt like it would help if I dressed up and maybe then he wouldn't think I was a twelve year old with big glasses like everyone thought instead of me being an almost 17 year old.

I put on a A line skirt on with my trusty combat boots instead of my normal flats and skinny jeans. Instead of just leaving, I decided to put on a little make up, but not much. I didn't wanna come off like I was trying too hard... Maybe I was...

The day had gone fast. I was too excited to sit still. Especially when I hit my last class. My leg shook with weird nervousness and excitement. When that bell finally rang, signaling the school day was completed, I dashed out of the class and hurriedly went to go open my locker when I heard the annoying sound of heels on tile sounding from behind me.

I sighed and turned to be faced with the leader of the 'Bitch Squad' as my dad called them; Lucy Perkins. She wore nothing her size. Everything was far too small for her breasts so they popped out of everything. Her skirts were always far too short and her shorts were just the same. She was pretty, I'll give her that. But her personality killed her. I sometimes found myself trying to figure out what was wrong with her in a mental sense. It was obvious that she only wore those type of clothing to try and cover up some kind of insecurity she had. I wanted to help her, honestly. But like I always say, I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself.

I forced a smile as I looked at her. "Hello, Lucy," I said, calmly and politely.

"Hey runt," she replied back. I fought back the urge to laugh. Is that really all you can come up with? As someone who grew up in New York City, I was rather thick skinned. And this girl was pretty unoriginal.

Though what I really didn't understand is what her problem truly was with me. Was she envious of me for the lifestyle I lived? Was she intimated by me in some way? Whatever it was I couldn't place it. So, I finally just decided to ask her.

I looked up at her and sighed. "May I ask what your problem might be with me because I'm all ears."

Two of her other 'friends' surround me, keeping me in place by the lockers. I think they would think I'd be scared of them but, I really wasn't.

Lucy smirked and looked at her girls. They all exchanged the same snotty look and then she looked back at me. "Well, I think your an ugly little ginger and I want you out of my school."

I sighed, not able to keep my little AskEmy persona contained. "No, you're threatened by me." I started, rather monotonous. "You have to be, otherwise you wouldn't spend so much time insulting me. That, or well, y'know, you like me or something. But, I highly doubt you're gay. If you are, you're really closeted."

As soon as I said it, I knew it hit her deep. I just wasn't sure which one was accurate. I was really hoping the first one because its much easier to tackle the first one then the second. If it really was the second one, I know she really needed to move some mountains to be okay with herself once out of the closet. Its something I wouldn't mind helping with.

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