Letter 10

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Letter 10

Dear Asia,

I know we have only known each other for a few years, but you've changed my life tremendously. Actually, my whole family's.

I remember when you first came to the studio. Everybody knew you were coming. Some dancer had heard Abby talking on the phone, and eventually the rumor spread all the way through the studio. Nobody believed it until one day you just appeared.

The night after you came, Kenzie came to my room crying. She said she didn't want to have to be in mine and your shadow, and I told her just to work her hardest.

We never really got to talk the first week you came. Abby bombarded you with a group dance, solo, and duet, so you were constantly in rehearsal. The only thing I heard about you was when the girls gossiped about you. They said you said Kenzie sucked. They said you said that you were the best one here, and Abby should just have a team of Asias. They said tons of horrible stuff, and being the gullible 11 year old I was, I believed them.

That weekend was the first time I really talked to you. I had just finished putting my hair in a ballet bun for our group dance when you came over to me, crying your eyes out. Your once-perfect makeup was now all over the place, due to your mom fighting with Abby. Abby had said something about pulling all your dances, and you were sad.


I shoved the last bobby pin in my hair, finishing my perfect 'Sophia' bun. I listened to the shouts around me, trying to ignore it. Abby was fighting with a new mother once again, threatening to pull Asia's solo and duet with Paige.

"She worked so hard! You can't take it from her!" Kristie Ray yelled, making me sigh. Even though I had learned to block out all the yelling from years of Dance Moms, it still got annoying.

I heard a sniffle and a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a crying Asia looking at me, makeup running down her face. "Can you help me?" She cried, rubbing her eyes once more.

I didn't know what to say. Hadn't Paige said Asia hated me? But I needed to be nice. It was how mom and Abby taught me, and it was the right thing to do.

I nodded and grabbed my make-up box, leading her into the hall. It would be best for us to stay out here. Even though you could still here them fighting, you couldn't make out their words.

I gestured for her to sit on the ground. We both sat down, and I opened my box to begin my work.

For Asia's solo, Lightning, she originally had purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner. It had looked really bad, due to her mother's horrible make-up skills.

"Can I try something? If you get in trouble, I'll take the blame," I said. Asia thought for a second before nodding.

I nodded, quickly setting to work. I pulled off her fake eyelashes and grabbed some makeup remover wipes, quickly wiping off all the makeup.

I applied some foundation and powder, making sure it was all blended in before I began. I pulled out a purple lipstick and began to outline a lightning bolt across her face. I outlined it in black eyeliner before adding some silver eyeshadow to it. I re-applied her purple eyeshadow (better this time), her mascara, fake eyelashes, and eyeliner before I packed up my stuff.

"Thank you so much," Asia said, throwing her arms around my neck. I was surprised. I thought she would insult my makeup work before telling Abby about it.

"Oh, it's no problem. I love doing makeup," I gushed, smiling at her.

She shook her head. "I just got really emotional. It's just, I love you guys, and I couldn't leave. Even though nobody has talked to me, I still love it," she giggled.

I laughed, leading her back into the dressing room. "Asia! What did you d-" Kristie Ray began. Abby quickly cut her off. "Your makeup is amazing!"

Asia smiled pointing to me. "Maddie did it," she said, wrapping her arms around me. "My best friend."

End of Flashback

After that, you were like my little sister. You and Kenzie started becoming closer.

Then at Nationals Christi and Leslie got in a fight. They threw drinks, tried to hit eachother. Your mom got freaked out, and just left.

It hurt. I never got to say goodbye, and I really miss you.

I hope you're having fun. Wherever you are.


Maddie Ziegler

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