Letter 15

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Letter 15

Dear Gianna,

I have known you since I was 2 years old. Since my first day of dance class, when you were my teacher. Since day one, I felt like you had been my supporter. I often stayed with you when my mom couldn't take me to the competition. You always helped me with my hair and makeup, and made sure I was ready. You gave me pep talks before my solos.

Everybody said you were a mini Abby. Around Season 4, when you laughed when Abby told me I was getting bad posture from Kendall, people said you were learning from Abby. I never believed it.

I mean sure, you yell sometimes. You're a dance teacher. You can't go a day without yelling. But then, people would come out of their privates sad or crying because you yelled at them. I never really had solos with you, so I don't know if it was true.

You never really hurt me, but I'm angry because you hurt Chloe. She quit dancing because of you and Abby. I remember when it happened.

It was some competition in Season 4. Christi and Abby were fighting (when weren't they fighting?) about something again. Then Abby screamed something about how Chloe wouldn't even make it in the dance world because she was too bad. Then you said something about how ugly she was.

The producers were going crazy, and it made me sick. My best friend was crying because of something Abby said. I never thought Abby was that mean until that day.

Then Holly was yelling for us to get out. Christi ran towards Abby, and Jill and Melissa were pulling her away. Chloe ran out crying. It was a big mess.

Nia, Kendall, Kenzie, and I all sat in the hall after that. They had locked the doors and we could hear yelling inside. A door slammed inside, and then the moms let us in to get our stuff. The producers and camera men started packing up.

Everybody was quiet the whole way home. It felt weird. Chloe and Christi didn't come with us on the bus, and it was quiet. Normally Chloe would sing and dance around the bus, making it loud, but now it was quiet.

Then I texted Chloe. 'Hey.'

She answered after a few minutes. 'Don't talk to me.'

I didn't text her back. I just laid down and cried until we got home. After that she deleted all her pictures of her dancing, with us, at the studio, etc. She started a 'new life' with these girls at our school and barely talked to us.

She never told me she quit dance until a few weeks later. I was talking to her in history about how I wish she was in our group dance because it was lyrical, and I was sad she would be on the bottom of the pyramid next week.

"I won't be coming back." She said. I didn't know what to say. And she started talking again.

Christi paid the fee of 50,000 dollars to get Chloe away from you and Abby. She hated seeing Chloe cry week after week, so she used 50k to get you away from you monsters.

I feel like if Chloe was favorited like me, or you were at least nice to her, her life would be so much different. Chloe had a spark, a passion, and 2 dance teachers put it out. Chloe always seemed so happy and lively at dance, but after that she just looked empty and lost.

I know if Chloe maybe began at a different studio, she probably never would've met me. But that also means she would've grown up, maybe became a big dancing star, and lived the dream she was meant to live. But two dance teachers ruined it.

Yeah, I know I'm not friends with Chloe anymore. But nobody deserves that hatred from anyone. Chloe was the sweetest person you could ever meet, and she had a heart of gold. Abby was a cruel person who bullied Chloe because her mother stood up for her.

Abby and you created a domino effect. First you bullied Chloe.

Then Christi stood up for her, so Abby bullied her more.

Abby and you hit the breaking point and Chloe quit dance.

Chloe became friends with rude girls at school.

Chloe became rude.

Chloe was rude to me.

Maddie killed herself.




Hi guys! It's Abby. Well, I'm pretty sure this book is coming to an end.. I think there's only 1 or 2 letters left, actually.

But, there WILL be a sequel! And I'm also having a contest soon. (: Vote and comment!

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