Chapter Three

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I told him everything. I hated telling people of my past. It made me moody and really depressed. I found myself crying and him holding me like a baby. I cried into his scarf. I told him about my pin and how I didn't let him touch it in the guild. He told me some of his stories and I ended up staying at his place that night. He let me sleep in his living room. Before I drifted off to sleep he gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then he left me alone. The next morning I left before Natsu or Happy woke up. I didn't want to arose suspicions. I headed to Lucy's to talk about what happened with Natsu and I. I needed to talk to someone about this. When I walked down the street to Lucy's apartment a voice came up from behind me. It was Natsu."Wait!" He yelled. When he was near me I saw sweat on his face. He had obviously ran after me."I'm letting you know I'm going on a job. Wanna go with me?" I thought about it. Would it be all that bad? Wait. If I accept then he will think I like him and it will become awkward. Then any chances of me and him will be over.

" I can't." I said in a low voice.

"Oh, okay. Lucy will come with me then." He ran to Lucy's front door and gave me a wave as he entered the building. Why am I feeling this regret inside my heart. I kept walking forwards, past Lucy's house when Natsu comes up behind me.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!?!" I yelled at him as I jumped around to see him holding out his hand in front of mine.

"Come with us, please!" He begged." You need to find a job soon or you are going to end up bunking with me forever." He laughed a bit as he readjusted his scarf. "So, you in?"

"Yes." I replied. A huge smile lit up his face. Lucy came out from the building with a brown satchel and camping gear. She gave all the heavy things to Natsu. Lucy handed me the request form. It said we were going to a wizard ball, it says to keep the book of the client safe and out of harms way. Then I realized something about the ball, "But I don't know how to dance!"

"Natsu and I will teach you on the way. Unfortunately for Natsu, the job is on the other side of Foire, so it will take us 10 hours by train to get there. Looks like we'll be hunting some bandits too. Poor Natsu..." Lucy commented.

"Why is that unfortunate?"

"Natsu gets a little motion sick."

"Oh, I see. Let's go then!" Happy jumped onto Natsu's shoulder and we set towards the train station side by side. I could see the sun almost setting on the hill sides that Mongolia was surrounded by. The sky was a light shade of pink and orange. Just like Natsu's hair. As we boarded the train Natsu instantly became sick.

"This is going to be a long ride." Lucy joked. We both laughed. Natsu shot us a dirty glare but not for long for he started to almost throw up again.

A voice came up from behind our small group."Do you think I was willingly letting the newbie go with you two?" Gray exclaimed.

"Why is that?" Protested Lucy.

"I'm just saying that I am the responsible one around the guild and that you needed some help." Said Gray.

"Well, there's no going back now...."

"I can do this job without you....." Natsu's said as his motion sickness came back again and his face turned blue. We all went to the dinning car while Natsu and Happy stayed in our cabin. The meals was delicious.

"Hey Lucy," I asked her.

"What." She replied.

"Are you and Natsu a thing?"

"Why would you think that?"

"He seems to care about you a lot."

"We are just friends. Besides, him and Lisanna are closer." This made me feel much better. I continued to eat. Too bad Natsu wasn't here to eat any of it, so I packed a dinner roll in my bag and we all returned to the cabin. The tracks moved under our feet and I could feel each and every bump. No wonder Natsu has a problem with transportation. As we opened the cabin's door Natsu was lying on the ground face first and his complexion was a shade of light blue. Lucy came up to him and handed him a bottle of pills.

"I visited the old medicine man and he said that these will help with motion sickness." She said and then smiled at him. He took the pills from her outstretched palm and downed them quickly.

"I feel better already!" He exclaimed. "Thanks Luce! You're the best." Then he hugged her and she hugged back. I was jealous for a second before I stopped myself from becoming like Juvia. I will not become overly obsessed with a guy that I had only know for a couple of days. Even though his eyes sparkle when he's happy. Stop. Lucy and him are obviously a thing and me crushing on Natsu would be bad for our friendship. So I just sat down on my bed and tried to relax. I feel backwards onto the pillow when I felt something under it. I pulled out a small leather-bound book that was never here before. I opened it up to find that it's pages were completely blank. I flipped trough them all looking for writing but I found none. I put it in mi little bag and remembered the dinner roll I saved for Natsu. I took it out and I could feel it was still warm. I over heard him saying to Lucy that he was hungry. I walked over to him and handed him the roll. He looked up at me and gave me a hug. "Thanks!" He said and put the whole roll in his mouth and chewed. The day went by slowly. We had nothing to do but sit and wait. While the boys were waiting Lucy was teaching me how to dance.

"Its hopeless. I have two left feet!" I exclaimed in frustration. I flopped down to the floor and covered my face with my hands.

"You just need the right partner." Lucy replied."NATSU! Get your butt over here!" I could hear his footsteps near me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and helped me up. Happy just made a stupid face at Natsu and I.

"Want to dance?" He asked.

"Okay. But you might get your toes stepped on." I replied. He giggled a bit and we started to dance. He wasn't the best dancer but neither am I so we looked kinda normal. I could see Gray look at Natsu with an evil glare. He stood up and cut in.

"You are doing it all wrong, sorry my lady." Gray said. The two of us danced and it was much easier than before. Gray was such a good dancer. I could see that Lucy and Natsu were dancing too. Every once and a while we would switch partners. Happy would fly in circles around us. It was so much fun we all lost track of time and by the time we stopped it was already dark out. "Time to hit the hay!" Exclaimed Gray. He flopped down on my bed and in seconds he was already in his underwear.

"Gray! Put some clothes on you stripper!" Screamed Natsu. then I realized something. There was only two beds in our cabin.

"Gray! Get out of my bed!" I yelled at him.

"Why don't you get in?" He replied with a smile.

"No way! I'm not sharing my bed with some man stripper!"

"Then Alice and I will sleep on the floor." Natsu added in. I looked in the other bed to see Lucy in it. She was fast asleep. I went in the hall to get extra blankets and pillows. I sat myself down on the floor to find that it was freezing cold. I covered my body with the blanket leaving my eyes uncovered. This did not help at all and I found myself shivering more. I looked over to Natsu to find that his face was inches away from mine. I looked into his eyes and we both turned away. "Are you cold?" He asked.

"A little bit."

"Then come closer to me. I'm a fire dragon slayer after all." I wiggled over to him and he lifted up and arm and I ended up resting be his side. Happy slept at his other side and I could hear his cute little cat snore. Once I was all settled I was shocked at hoe warm he was. The warmth made me sleepy and I curled up to him and we slept like that for the rest of the night.

{Yay! Chapter three is uploaded! I'm so proud of me. I know, I know. Hold the applause. JK! Love you guys! And thanks for reading it, and hopfully enjoying it so far! Bye minna! Disclaimer: I do not own FairyTail. I own the plot and my Oc's}

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