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"again!" jin yelled as his pen ran out of ink again. It was jins first day at work, hes working for a company that makes magazines and his job is to think of the topics.

Jin is way to stressed with his job because he has a secret, he has Alzheimer disease and its slowly taking over his whole body. Jin can almost never remember anything. He wants to be normal, he wants to be able to remember his birthday or address and not have to carry around a paper that has everything written on it. He always feels so childish, he knows its out of his control yet he still blames himself.

"is it coming along good, Mr.Kim?" his manager said to him with a smile. "yes sir, but we need more pens." Jin chuckled. "sure thing!" his manager looked at him and let out a laugh.

Jin lied. It isn't coming a long good, He can barely remember his own name let alone trends for a magazine. 


After work Jin went to the doctors. 

"does this run in your family?" the doctor said with her eyebrows up. "yes, it does. My dad got it when he was 30 and died at 40." Jin said as he looked down remembering his dad.

Jins dad was Jins superhero. He was Jins guide to almost everything. But every since he died when Jin was only 7 years old Jins depression got to him after his mom passed away he only had his dad. After his dad left him he was adopted by his aunt and his aunt took good care of him. 

"im very sorry for your loss." she said with a warm smile. "thank you." you respond.  "That is also very young, usually Alzheimer's comes around the elderly age." she said. "how old are you?" she added taking out her pen to take down some notes. "26" jin said. "what?" she raised her voice a bit. "26." jin repeated himself starting to get annoyed. "thats too young." she said, now Jin was getting very annoyed. "do you think i dont know that?" Jin fired back. "sorry, im just confused." she said "mhm" Jin nodded, still annoyed.

After she left she came back with some pills, "here, take these every morning and every night." she handed it to him with a warm smile. "thank you." Jin said as he walked out.


When Jin walked out he saw a new cafe.

"i need some coffee right now"

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