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As jin stared at the menu memories of his dad flooded up in his mind,


"daddy! i want the strawberry banana smoothie!" Jin yelled and put his arms up in happiness. "sure thing, kiddo!" jins dad said and kissed jin on the forehead. "but i thought you didn't like bananas." jins dad asked with a confused face, "its because mommy loved banana smoothies!" Jin said with a huge smile on his face. "i miss mommy..." jin said looking down. "me too, bud" he responded.

(end of flashback)

Although it wasn't the same cafe seeing the words "strawberry banana smoothie" still haunts him, yet he smiled remembering all the times he had with his dad. 

"what can i get you?" the waitress asked, "a strawberry banana smoothie!" Jin said smiling like an idiot. "alright, anything else" "nothing else" 

The waitress came back "im sorry sir, we have none" she said with a apologetic tone. Jin euphoric mood got turned down in a snap. 

"would you like anything else?" she asked, "no." Jin said and got up , grabbed his things and slammed the chair into the table, the waitress squealed a little.


when Jin went home he found himself staring at the celling 

"why me, i dont deserve this"

sorry for da short and shitty chapter tomorrow will be better. xx

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