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(??? pov)

He really forgot my name in the span of 3 hours, i shouldve known this wouldnt lead to anything, i remembered his why doesnt he remember mine? It will comeback to him hopefully.

(jin pov)

Now i really fucked up....I just forgot the girl i want to impress's name. I will just ignore this happen and ask her to take a seat...

(third person pov)

" would you like to talk a seat?" jin said to stop the awkward silence .

"uhmm...sure." she said with a very unhappy expression.

Jin found a table that was empty and sat at it. 

"so...what is your story?" she asked him.


she nodded.


JIn didnt know if he should mention his memory loss to her, Jin thinks she will think hes weird and not like him. Well his memory loss isnt as bad yet, he still gets flashbacks to memories with his dad but no one else, why his dad out of anyone....

"Im jin, im 26 years old and my favorite color is-" he got cut of

"no, silly" she laughed and patted his head

"i mean like your childhood and who you grew up with, any siblings?" 

At that moment Jins hear sunk to the bottom of his stomach...

"uh well..." 

Jin needed to make something up and quick

"i grew up with my dad and mom, and i have no siblings." jin said hesitantly. 

"are you okay?" she said while gently placing her hand on his. 

"yeah. im fine"

"if its hard to talk about, i understand, lets just go get food" she said with a concerned face.

There it was again that euphoric feeling that left jin speechless, her eyes sparkled and looked at jin. Jin was straight up inlove with this girl he doesnt even know the name too. 

Shes just that beautiful.

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