
23 9 4

As jin was staring at the ceiling for more than an hour now, he kept thinking of the question "when will things get better?" the conclusion he came up is, its not, its never going to get better, his father is gone and so is his mother. No one can replace them, absolutely no one. 

Jin wanted food, he was so hungry and as he thinks of it, the last thing he ate was a yogurt 2 days ago for breakfast. As he heard his stomach growl and practically yelling for some sort of food. 

Jin came to a realization, not a very smart one but Jin thought it was. 

"if i cant remember dads name Im not eating!" 

Jin thought this would help jin remember things, but this disease, this sickness isnt going to go away like that. Yet Jin was still convinced. 

He looked at his pills that the doctor gave him. 


Jin is not gonna have anything until he remembers his fathers name without looking at his paper. Jin knew that the consequence of not remembering his name

"if worse comes to worse i will ask him in heaven, somewhere i will be soon..."


Next morning Jins head was hurting so much, But he has to go to work, to hell.

He decided to take the bus because his head was hurting him to much to drive.


As Jin got on the bus there were no seats except to one girl, she was so pretty and made Jins insides tingle! She had long brown hair with blonde tips and she was wearing a black dress and she had a some sort of work badge on her. 

"holy shit" Jin thought as he looked a little closer.

That was Jins work place, Jin wanted to be really friendly since she goes to her work and he wanted a good impression on her.

(??? pov)

"ahh, hello!" 

I hear a voice over my music, I take off my headphones and look over to see and i see a light brown haired man with a goofy smile, he was so cute! But I wont let this one get to me. All he wants is sex just like every guy i know. 

"hi?" i say bitterly 

"could i sit here?" he said with a big smile.

"i guess??" 

"so i see you work at the same place as me, Im Kim Seokjin but i refer  to myself as jin!" 

"great and good for you" I say with the fakest and sarcastic smile ever.

You say his smile turn into a frown , really quick 

"ah, im sorry" he bowed and sat down 

You didnt hear another peep from him the whole ride to work.

Lol hi, this chapter was okay and better than last time. 

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