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Jake Erika and the kids got back home from Nashville and are in bed when they got back to LA


Guys, I know that I said I wasn't posting and I did, but here is yall a very short short chapter. Longer one tomorrow... 

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Today's Chapter:::

It is about 3:30 in the morning and Erika got up to use the bathroom and she had her period...

Erika thinking:::

Omg Omg Omg im not pregnant. How is that possible if he didn't use a condom? Omg is something wrong with me. Do I need to go to the doctor? Im so scared.


Jake- huh what? where are you

Erika- im in the bathroom

Jake jumped out of bed and thinking something was wrong with her

Jake- what babe *sleepy voice*

Erika- im not pregnant

Jake- how you know

Erika- I started my period

Jake- is that a good thing

Erika- no its not Jake

Jake- what you mean

Erika- Jake, if you didn't use a condom and you let your self-go in me then I should be pregnant

Jake- oh that's bad. Um, we will go to the doctor tomorrow.

Erika- okay. I love you Jake but if I lost this baby im going to go crazy I can't lose another baby

Jake- I know babe. Calm down. Come back to bed

Erika- I cant sleep now im so worried. You go back to sleep. I'll be there in a minute.

Jake- okay. I love you

Jake went back to sleep and about an hour or so later Erika came out of the bathroom and went to sleep. ((she was sitting in there to think about stuff.))

Erika crawled into bed and snuggled up to Jake he woke up a little and put his arm around her and they both fell asleep.

It was now 12:00 in the afternoon and Everybody is now waking up. Jake was the first one up.

Jake- Babe, Babe

Erika- huh what!

Jake- don't yell, and it's 12:00 pm time to get up

Erika- no I want to sleep. I don't feel good.

Jake- well we need to go to the doctor

Erika- fine give me 30

30 minutes later Erika walked down the stair

Erika- come on!

Jake- damn im coming

Erika- well im tired

Jake- im sorry, you need to go to the doctor to see whats going on

Erika- right, well im not dead yet so it's probably just a bug going around.

Jake- Erika

Erika- well I mean it's true.

They got to the doctor office and Erika sat down while Jake signs her in.

About 20 minutes later the doctor called...

Doctor- Costell

Erika- coming

They got to the room and doctor checked her over and then the doctor told her that she.....



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