Sixty Four

199 0 2


  Jake hung up the phone and went back inside and seen Tessa standing there with Logan.  


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Today's Chapter:::

Jake walked into the door and Logan was standing there with a weird look on his face. 

Jake- what Logan

Logan- you have completely lost your mind

Jake- yeah thanks for telling me I fucked up bro bad

Logan- yeah including fucking my wife

Jake- she told me to kiss her

Logan- really

Jake- yes. I thought you didn't care I thought we all had a weird relationship here

Logan- we do but you didn't tell me

Jake- I haven't even told Erika yet Logan okay. Just leave me alone. Okay, can yall do that?

Logan- no I cant Jake you're going crazy.

Jake- you dont think I fucken know that. All I know is that my wife my life everything is gone and I dont have a reason to be here anymore Logan okay. SHE IS GONE. 

Logan- okay so what are you going to do

Jake- I dont know okay. She told me not to go look for her but my gut is telling me to go to her... 

Logan- then why are you still here

Jake- I have three fuckin kids bro

Logan- okay

Jake- okay?

Logan- okay leave your kids with us

Jake- no I can't do that. SHE TOLD ME NOT TO GO TO HER OKAY SO IM NOT.  

Logan- since when have you listen to her jake

Jake- never but I dont even know how to tell her. I fucked Tessa as soon as I found the note how does that make me look. What...What if I lose her forever this time. I can lose her Logan I cant. I cant watch the kids grow up without a mother I cant.

Logan- bro listen yourself. Okay, you need to go up the steps and make a bag. If she dont want you there then come back home and be with your family. 

Jake- I will not leave till I have her back. 

Logan- okay if that's what you want but jake DO NOT cause a scene okay. 

Jake- right no scene

Logan- go

Jake went up the step and got packed for the night and went straight to the airport and got the next flight out. 

Jake- i need the next stop to Nashville, please

Unkown- okay that's in five minutes 

Jake- thank you 

Unkown- Welcome Mr. Paul

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