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Faith went back to the mall with Jax and they got their stuff back. Jax didnt like what they did to his sister!!


Today's Chapter::

Jax went back to the car and they went back home. Faith stood there talking to Tristain for a few more minutes until she realized she had a party to get too. 

Faith- im sorry but i have to go. I have a party that I need to get too. 

Tristian- yeah okay. Nice to meet you 

Faith- you too. 

Faith started walking away when he called out for her. 

Tristian- Faith! Hey Faith!

Faith turned around and said..

Faith- yeah

Tristian- here is my number

Faith- okay. Thank you

Tristian- see you around I hope. 

Faith- yeah you too. I gotta go. 

  Tristian -Right byeee...

Faith walked away and headed to the car and got in Jax just looked at her. 

Faith- what

Jax- nothing. Just you seem so happy when you are around him 

Faith- Jax I littlerly just met him. 

Jax- and? Have you seen mom and dad's relationship

Faith- I have and I dont wanna be like there's I want my own happy ending.  

Jax- I know but you like him dont you?

Faith- I do.

Jax- as long as he treats you the way you are supposed to be treated..

Before they left the parking lot Jake texted Faith asking them where they were

On Text:::

Jake- I hope im not interrupting something but where are you two

Faith- sorry dad got held up in traffic

Jake- right. Come home now people are arriving and we have a surprise for you

Faith- im coming. 

Jake- okay.. Chop Chop

Faith- dad really? Dont fucking rush me

Jake- dont talk to me like that. 

Faith- I mean damn when I say im coming im coming stop talking. 


Jake didn't text back afterward.

20 minutes later they arrived

They walked through the door and everyone was standing there. 

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