Fifty-Two :)

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Today's Chapter:::

Jake and Erika woke up from there nap to banging on the door. Jake jumped up and went downstairs an answered the door it was...

Jake- Jax, Faith hi kids

Faith- daddy hi

Jake- Jax

Jax- yes daddy

Jake- you okay

Jax- Yes

Jake- okay let's go upstairs and wake mommy up

Nanny- Ill see you guys later

Jake- sure, Thank you so much.

Nanny- No problem.

Jake and the kids went upstairs to find Erika sitting on the bed looking out the window.

Jake- good afternoon babe

Erika- jake i... Hi kids

Faith&Jax- hi mommy

Erika- how was the nanny

Faith- good.

Erika- great.

Jake- guys why don't yall go play in the bedroom with Anna

Faith- okay

Erika- I love you guys

The kids left and Jake wanted to know what the Erika was going to say...

Jake- babe

Erika- yes

Erika got up off the bed and opened the balcony doors and stood there. Jake came up behind her and put his arms around my waist

Jake- what were you going to say.

Erika- I've been thinking

Jake- about what

Erika- why don't we leave the kids with my mom for a couple of months

Jake- can I ask why

Erika- Jake I wanna spend so much time with you. We have been on and off and into arguments. I just wanna fix everything with you.

Jake- Erika... I.I.I.I.I

Erika- you cant what Jake

Jake- I cant leave Faith again

Erika- Jake you can. You got her a phone and you haven't even given it to her yet

Jake- there has been so much going on and I forgot.

Erika- see we need to finish working on us first

Jake- your right. I just can't let Faith go. I cant Erika

Erika- I know you cant. That's why you're going to go in there right now and give it to her.

Jake- Erika, please

Erika- okay fine lets put it this way. You either fix this with me or I will take the kids and leave and I will not come back. Jake, we need this. I wanna spend some time with you, Jake. I need to. I feel you slipping away from each other.

Jake- fuck Erika fine damnit.

Jake got up and went to Faith's room while Erika went into Jax room.

Jake- Faith baby

Faith- yes daddy

Jake- I know we are super close we always have been and I love that we are. But what im about to tell you is going to hurt me so much.

Faith- daddy you're scaring me

Jake took a deep breath and said...

Jake- Faith, me and mommy have decided that we are going to take yall back to grandmas house for a little bit.

Faith- dad we got back. Why don't yall want us

Jake- hey hey we do want yall we love yall. But I and mommy need some time to think about things right now and we cant do that if we have two kids to think about right now. ((THATS SOUNDS REALLY BAD AND IM SORRY PEOPLE))

Faith- wow

Jake- I need to give you something also.

Faith- what a goodbye hug?

Jake- wow, ow that hurt and no its this **Hands her the phone**

Faith- dad whats this

Jake- it's for when I go away or when you go away you can always call or message me or facetime me.

Faith- no dad I cant take this

Jake- why not

Faith- you might need the money

Jake- hey me and mom have done talking about this. I wanted to do this for you Faith. I need my daughter as much as she needs her dad. We have always been close love. OKay?

Faith- fine. But dad

Jake- yes sweetheart

Faith- when we come back im never leaving you again.

Jake- I wouldn't have it any other way.

Faith- faith gets up and hugs Jake* I love you daddy

Jake- I love you too sweet face...

Let's go to Erika and Jax

Erika- hey Jax

Jax- yes mommy

Erika- you and Faith are going to go back to grandmas okay.

Jax- okay mommy. I love you

Erika- I love you too baby

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