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Jake and the kids and Erika went on a trip 


Today's Chapter:::

Jake's Pov::

It's been 3 hours since we been on the plane and we have another hour left and the kids have been asleep since they got on the plane and there still sleeping. I mean me and Erika did wake them up early so I mean yeah they should be tired. Erika has been sleeping on and off the whole plane ride and well me, I've been asleep once this whole plane ride. I've been thinking about some stuff. 

Jake Thinking:::

Wow im so lucky to have these humans with me. Im so glad me and Erika are getting along so well and I love it. She means the absolute world to me and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I mean yeah we have two kids and we are married but still, I can't wait. Oh man, I love waking up to her every morning and sleeping next to her and her in my arms just everything about her is amazing. 

Before Jake could finish his thoughts Faith woke up and snapped her fingers in his face. 

Faith- daddy

Faith- daddy

Faith snaps her fingers

Jake- huh what

Faith- wow you were really thinking about something 

Jake- yeah your mom

Faith- awe dad

Jake- what

Faith- you love mommy don't you 

Jake- I do

Faith- I love you too daddy. But your mine and I don't like sharing with mommy *laughs*

Jake- oh baby girl. You will always be my favorite human and I will never let you go okay. 

Faith- okay daddy. Now that you said that umm there is a problem

Jake- Whats that

Faith points beside Jake

Jake- Erika hi baby

Erika- hi

Jake- sleep well

Erika- great actually but I can't help what you told Faith that she was your favorite human

Jake- well I mean and you are too. She was always my favorite ever since you had her

Erika- well thanks babe I feel even more special

Jake- well you should cause I married you 

Erika- ahh I see

Jake- as long as you see the bigger picture here. 

Erika- I do. I love you 

Jake- I love you too. 

An hour later they have landed and now are in Miami. They get off the plane and Faith yells

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