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Hi, guys im back again. I told you I would write you a chapter or two so here we go.. 

Enjoy :)



Today's Chapter:::

Today Erika woke up in such a happy mood. SHe wanted to travel with the kids somewhere but she didn't know where. So she woke up Jake. 

Erika- Good morning baby wake up. 


Erika- BABE

Jake- huh what

Erika- *laughs* wake up 

Jake- why

Erika- cause I want to spend time with you before the kids wake up

Jake- oh okay

Erika- let's go shower

Jake- okay

The got up and went to shower. 

Jake- Babe what are we doing today

Erika- I don't know I want to travel

Jake- the kid's babe

Erika- with the kids

Jake- where do you want to go

Erika- im not sure

Jake- what about Florida

Erika- no Miami

Jake- I could go there

Erika- I always wanted to go there ((YES I KNOW SHE HAS BEEN THERE BUT THIS IS FOR THE STORY))

Jake- okay we can go there. If you want

Erika- are you sure

Jake- absolutely 

Erika- yes. I love you so much *jumps on him*

Jake- babe im completely nacked and you just jumped on me

Erika- I know. 

Jake- do you now

Erika- I wanna have sex in the shower

Jake- okay

They had sex in the shower ** I really didn't want to put the sex scene in here**

They got out of the shower and got dressed and Erika said

Erika- wow that was some good sex

Jake- it was

Erika- it was

Jake- well good. We should get dressed now

Erika- yeah we should. Umm Jake

Jake- Yes

Erika- we didn't use a condom

Jake- babe calm down. I pulled out. You said you didn't want another baby so I pulled out

Erika- oh god. Thank you, Jake,

Jake- welcome babe. We got to go get the kids up. 

Erika- okay. Did you book the flight

Jake- yeah

Erika- okay come

They walked down the stairs and woke the kids up...

Jake- Rise and Shine babies. Wake up. 

Kids- Uncle Jake Ana sai

Jake- What

Anna- Really

Jake- I need my kids to wake up chill out

Anna- why didn't you just shake them 

Jake- cause I didn't want to

Anna- ugh

Jake- go back to sleep.  

Jake went over and shook Faith and Jax

Jax- daddy what

Jake- Wake up

Jax- no daddy im tired. 

Jake- we are going on a trip. 

Jake- Faith wake up come on

Faith-dad really

Jake- we are going on a trip. we leave in 3 hours so come on

Faith- fine

They all go pack and head to the airport. 


Faith- Daddy where we going

Jake- it's a surprise you have to wait and see

Faith- I don't like surprises. 

Jake- yeah I know. You are just like your mom. 

Jake looked over and put his hand on Erika's leg. 

Erika- babe you okay

Jake- im fine. 

Erika- then why are you looking at me like you just lost your best friend. 

Jake- cause your beautiful

Erika- awe babe thank you 

Jake - anytime

They got on the plane and sat and Faith sat in Jakes lap and Jax sat in Erika's lap. 

Erika- she really does love you 

Jake- yeah she does. 

Erika- She is so attached to you 

Jake- and Jax is attached to you too. 

Erika- yeah he is. I guess we all have our favorites. 

Jake- yeah I guess we do. I love both of them though. 

Erika- I do too. I love you too

Jake- and I love you... 

Guys, im going to stop here. I will put the trip in the chapter for tonight. 

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now