Chapter 2|New Arrivals

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Chapter 2 : "New Arrivals"
Word count : 3921


The cool air hits me immediately as we enter, making me sigh in content and shiver at the same time from the sudden change of temperature. Glancing around, I remember the first time I placed foot in this building. I was so scared and lost with the thought of being late and not making a good first impression that I forgot I had friends to help me get adjusted, much like the new freshmen today being the most energetic people in here. You can practically smell their nerves, fear and excitement for the upcoming four years. 

Chatter fills my ears, the latest gossip probably already being passed over, friends catching up, representatives of various groups going around trying to recruit new members, candidates for the prom nominations desperately advertising themselves already and guys doing show offs. Normal things you'd see in a perfectly normal school.

In this high school, rules aren't so strict, and definitely not the first day. Sure there's a dressing code, detention is given way too easily and during lunch break you can only stay in the library, or the cafeteria and its yard. You have limited number of absencies each semester and you need to wear your name tag at all times. But which high school doesn't have these regulations? They are needed to somehow maintain a balance despite the fact that teenagers are untameable. Point is, the first day is always the best. You are allowed to wear anything you want, it not being too provoking, phones aren't confiscated if seen, classes are not taken but a simple lecture about the rest of the year till we are dismissed incredibly early and no name tag policy. It's perfect. Much like the peace before the storm. Nonetheless, it's nice not being restricted immediately. It actually shows freshmen high school isn't that scary, at least the first weeks.

Walking with my girls like this, reminds me of several movies where the main character with her friends catch eveyone's attention earning glares from girls and lustful stares from the boys as their heels click on the marble floor, their hair blown. Such bullshit. Stares we get, sure, and sniggers thrown at us, well mostly me, making me cackle abruptly. What irony, really.

"What got you so happy girl?" Sophia elbows me slightly.

Happy. "You know those movies where there's a trio of bitches like ours that get everyone to love or hate them? This whole situation made me link ourselves to them with a few obvious differences." I snort.

"You're strangely right." Sophia agrees "Only we are worse. We have Miss I-don't-give-a-fuck, aka myself, Miss you're-too-unimportant-to-approach-me on your left and yourself as Miss fuck-with-me-I-kill-you."

"You forget the part where we aren't that wanted from the guy population, well except maybe Marina." Chloe chimes in laughing.

"What are you talking about? Guys don't even look at me that way! I'm known as the nerdy good girl I'm supposed to be" I point out true -or should I say, untrue- facts just as we pass by the soccer team leaning against the locker of their brunette green eyed captain, Bryan Thompson, whose smirk when he spots me doesn't go unnoticed from the girls.

"So you are saying you didn't notice the way he was looking at you? Man, I look the same way at pizza seconds before I eat it. That nice piece of meat sooner or later is going to ask you out, trust me on that." Sophia's classic comment. For her everything with a dick is appealing, it not being a secret that she's not a virgin anymore and jumping from one partner to another but still wanting a stable relationship that unfortunately hasn't happened yet. She deserves someone that cares about her, makes her feel wanted and needed.

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