~Chapter 2~

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I phone buzzed again as it received another text.

“Caspian, party is at eight tonight. Be there!

Address is 18 Conningham St.


 I placed my phone on my bed as I let the water run in the showers.  I stripped off my clothes and threw them one side as I walked into the shower cubicle.

I stepped under the warm water. It felt amazing, I didn’t know whether it was the warmth of the steaming water or the fact that I could actually think straight for once since that weird text.

“I’ll be watching..”

Who would do that? What did it mean? It had to be Chris. It just had to be. I cleared my mind as the drops of water continue to batter against my back. I continued to just stand there in thought. I turned off the water as I reached for my Egyptian cotton towel.  Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my thigh, I looked down. I didn’t notice this before but there, impaled into my thigh was a fingernail. It must have got pierced in there when that b*itch of a women tried to make out with me. I tried to take it out but it seemed impossible to get a grip on. I decided to just leave it there and just pulled a band aid over it.  After wiping myself dry and throwing on some comfortable clothes, I turned on my laptop and checked my email. Strangely I got ten unread emails. They all were anonymous and said the same thing.

Your gunna pay. Your gunna pay. Your punishment. You will become one of us. Only then shall you really suffer….”

I was freaked out of my mind after I read that. I shut down my computer immediately and raced down the stairs.

“Caspian could you check the mailbox?” my mum said as I walked past the kitchen.

“Mmmmk mum” I mumbled as I walked out the door. I ran to the box and checked. Nothing. But at that moment I noticed a shadow. There he was. Chris. He still had those bloody freaky eyes that said everything I needed to know. That I was so f*ked.  I was pissed at his killer stare and gave him the finger before I turned to walk back to my house. A sudden drowsy spell hit me like a bullet. I felt so tired, I walked back to my room and lied on my bed. Before I knew it I was fast asleep/

Few hours after

I woke up yawning as I looked over at the clock. ‘Seven thirty’

“Crap! I’m going to be late!”

I threw myself off the bed and quickly opened my closet. I took whatever seemed to look the best and started to change. I started to style my hair with gel in the mirror and straightened my shirt.  I looked at the clock again. ‘seven forty-five’ I bolted out the front door and look at the address on my text again.

Address is 18 Conningham St

That’s the street three rows behind mine. I started to run and decent pace, getting faster as I went along as I felt like I was being watched.  It awkwardness in the atmosphere got more and more awkward as I started to run faster with each beat of my heart. The bushes beside me rustled, it felt like I was being chased by a predator. It felt like no matter how fast I ran, what was chasing me seemed to be faster. The rustling in the bushes stop as I came closer to the house. I looked around cautiously before I slowed my pace down. The house was bursting full of life. There was a strong stench of chlorine from the pool which was filled with people playing water polo, music was blasting away, and people were dancing. It was like one of those after parties people do once they had finished year twelve. There was a hot tub like he said, with beautiful girls relaxing inside. I walked in and went straight for water. I was so focused on getting water that I didn’t realise Joshua was right behind me.

“Caspian…. Caspian!”

“Woah! Dude! Hey! Sorry, just a bit thirsty” I said as I quickly gulped down the cup of iced water.

“It’s okay. So what do you think of the party? Want a drink?” He threw me a can of beer. I didn’t want to look like a loser, being the only one not drinking so I accepted it. At first the new taste made me spit it out, causing me to attract some weird looks from people. I started to get used to the taste and soon I was flying through cans of beer. I must have been real drunk as I started to dance. Yeaaaaah dance…. I started rolling my arms around like a windmill while I shuffled. I started singing to the music, and soon a girl named Gloria came up and danced with me. She had red hair and the bluest eyes anyone could have.

 I started to feel sick from all the drinks and dancing and ran out. Across the street were some bushes that bordered the forest after. I ran to the bushes, swaying from left to right as I couldn’t control my movements. I started to puke everything I had out on to the moist soil. Behind, I heard a low growl. I turned around and I was instantly paralysed in fear. It felt like my fear had taken over all of my body. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t scream. All I could do was stare into the blood shot eyes of an animal. A beast.

It started to walk towards me, circling me like how a shark circles its prey. I felt helpless, I couldn’t breathe.  The creature finally came out of the shadows and into the light of the full moon. The most incredible wolf appeared. It was as huge as bear and had silver fur that sparkled as it reflected the moonlight. Suddenly my thigh started to burn.  Like it had just been ignited with hot burning fire. I finally found the strength to move and I reached down for my thigh. I lifted my shorts up, revealing that the band aid had disappeared. In place of the nail was now a sharp claw. During the moment I thought to myself this had to be some hallucination from all the alcohol I had consumed. I looked back up to see the wolf once more, but to my horror the wolf wasn’t there. In its place was a woman. But it couldn’t be, it wasn’t possible. How this happening, why is this happening. Why her?

The woman who stood there, was Ms Fox….

“Did you get my texts?” she smiled, revealing a row of sharp teeth.

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